PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Yes... update please. We are concerned for Fuzzy Bum.
I am so sorry to hear about what happened. My rooster also had something similar a few months ago. He broke the end of his top beak off almost halfway back and it was bleeding like crazy. I was afraid he would bleed to death. I was relieved to find that his bleeding had stopped by the next morning. I thought for sure he would starve to death, but I kept offering soft warm foods and he is now almost completely healed. His beak has grown back almost all the way. I can't say for sure that your hens will but I think it depends on how damaged it is. I hope the best for you and your hen.
Well... I'm not sure if Fuzzy Bum is getting any better, but she's not getting any worse. She still can't eat and drink on her own, but she tries a little more every day to pick up the corn (the only thing she's interested in). Her beak is starting to fall off now. We are hoping that this will make it easier for her to eat. She is still very sleepy and sleeps most of the day cuddling her head into her feathers. She also keeps her head tucked in to her body. I'm worried that she's not getting enough to eat/drink with the tube feeding. It is getting more and more difficult. We have her bundled up like a burrito to keep her still, but she pulls her head away and keeps on closing her beak. And she squeals like she is in pain when she pulls her head away, so we have to let go and then try again. The tube feeding itself is not hurting her, but when she pulls her beak away. My parents seem to be loosing their patience when it now takes almost half an hour to feed her 50mL. She continues to struggle more and more each time. But they still haven't gave up. I told Fuzzy Bum that I will never give up on her no matter how hard things get. And I even added her pictures to the door, so now she can look at herself too :) I give her a kiss every night before I go to sleep. @ellie32526 I'm glad that your rooster is doing better, and it's amazing that his beak grew back. :) here are some pictures of Fuzzy Bum. I'm worried about the yellow puffy spot on either sides of her beak. What are they? :(
It is very possible that poor Fuzzy Bum suffered some sort of head trauma when her beak was damaged. She needs to mend and that takes a lot of time and energy. I do not know what the yellow is around her beak. I hope that it is some sort of tissue regenerating, but I am just a novice chicken lady. Fuzzy Bum is very lucky to have you and your parents.
Prayers and Hugs...
I'm so sorry to hear about Fuzzy Bum, we've had our fair share of injured chickens to take care of. We had a blind rooster for a while that had to be watched when he was out, and a hen with some kind of back injury that struggled to get around. Of course those were nothing like this, I hope she gets better soon!
God bless her! ! She's a real fighter! I pray she gets well! ! You are doing such a great job of caring for her! ! I so glad your parents are helping. Keep us posted on her. Have you tried the exact food it's supposed to be very good for the nutritional needs of a tube fed chicken. It's by Kay tee?

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