PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Happy Valentines Day Fuzzy Bum!! She is a sweet heart!

@Nambroth thank you so much for that clever idea! I now mix in her regular food to her egg omelet in the morning and she loves it
it doesn't smell the best when it cooks, but oh well :p please everyone, continue to keep Fuzzy Bum in your prayers. She is doing really well, but I hope that she learns how to eat and drink on her own soon. We have ordered the poultry nipples, but they still haven't came in yet. Thanks everyone!!!! <3
What a wonderful story! It just goes to show what love can do. You could have easily given up and put her down and saved yourself the hard work, but you made the extra effort to save your little hen and she responded to your love for her. I know animals can sense when a human cares for them. You have done an amazing thing and your efforts will now be rewarded because you have a friend for life! BRAVO! I don't know how to do those emoticons thingys, but if I did I would give you one that shows a high five. I am still hoping her beak grows back. My rooster's beak is not all the way back, but it is continuing to re-grow and has been slow but over time you can see the top beak getting longer. I am hoping hers was not damaged too badly and will grow back as well.
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away :). @ellie32526 thank you so much <3
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away
. @ellie32526 thank you so much <3
Excellent to hear,she is a sweetheart! Have you tried adding warm water to feed(so it resembles oatmeal)now would be a good time,as she has now realized she can eat.
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away :). @ellie32526 thank you so much <3
That is great news. Fuzzy Bum has come a long well. :)
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away :). @ellie32526 thank you so much <3

So happy for you!

Such great news! Who ever thought a chicken eating would be such an exciting event?! ;)

I totally agree with @ten chicks - I would try the hot mash of layer pellets now, if you're not already doing that.
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away
. @ellie32526 thank you so much <3
Great to hear! She's such a strong, brave (and adorable) little hen.
UPDATE: my mom gave the chickens some mashed potatoes, and guess who ate them all by herself????????? FUZZY BUM! I actually cried I was so happy. Even though she still can't eat her regular chicken food by herself, she can eat mashed potatoes. She was so cute while she was eating them, licking her lips and gobbling away
. @ellie32526 thank you so much <3

Fantastic news!! Good for you. I think in time she will go back to 'normal' foods. She is a bit spoiled right now (deservedly so, poor thing) but given your patience with her, I think she will do well!

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