PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Thank you so much everyone. Fuzzy Bum will love y'all forever!! <3 Her story really is amazing, especially the outcome, thanks to All of you amazing people and God. That's a good idea Kathy. I would love to help others just like you all helped me and Fuzzy Bum. Glad you guys enjoy seeing her pictures :) awe, you are all so sweet.

Thank you. @deacons that sure would be cool to have a story book about Fuzzy Bum and her amazing story :) she sure has inspired many, including myself. Oh wow, what an amazing story about your horse! Good for you!!

@nab58 haha, yes, that is indeed a picture of me in my prom dress. Like I said in my caption, chickens deserve to be part of your special night too :) if I had it my way, they would be part of my wedding party :p
So happy to see Fuzzy Bum is continuing to improve and is happy and healthy. (Well except for that beak thing.) The lady with the idea about the childrens book had a wonderful idea ! A book about Fuzzy AND VERY IMPORTANT how neither one of you gave up and quit throught adversity could be a great example for all children, with or with out difficulties in their lives. Thanks for the up date.
Will await to hear about any book plans. GO FUZZY BUM GO ! YOU A R E THE GIRL !
p.s. when you write the book don't forget to correct the type-o plese to please.
Thanks everyone :)

In reply to whether or not Fuzzy Bum preens herself, she does. It is fascinating to watch actually. She closes her sweet little eyes and does her very best to keep her feathers in top shape. And is she ever successful!! Fuzzy Bum has the prettiest feathers!! Here are some pictures of her pretty feathers :) enjoy!


Thanks everyone

In reply to whether or not Fuzzy Bum preens herself, she does. It is fascinating to watch actually. She closes her sweet little eyes and does her very best to keep her feathers in top shape. And is she ever successful!! Fuzzy Bum has the prettiest feathers!! Here are some pictures of her pretty feathers

Oh Fuzzy Bum is doing a great job of taking care of herself ....
I love your story! It goes to show how we should never give up even when it looks grave. Animals are amazing and your Fuzzy Bum is an amazing survival story. What a sweetheart!!!
She is looking sooo good and thanks for the update. Ummmm, I think Fuzzy Bum would be a great addition to your wedding party. You could throw out scratch instead of rice.

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