PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Update!! We got a 60mL syringe and used that one instead of the 10mL one. I gave her about 50mL, and that seemed to make her crop the right fullness. The tube feeding is going a lot better now. We tube feed her in the morning at around 6:40 am, and then again at night 6:45ish pm. Her one eye is opening more now!! I am so proud of Fuzzy Bum! Oh ya, that's another thing. She deserves a better name that shows how strong she is. Fuzzy bum was just a nickname I gave her because she had the fuzziest bum feathers I have ever seen. Any suggestions on a new name? God has got her this far, He's not going to stop
thank you all So much for your advice and prayers. I could never thank you enough. If it wasn't for you guys, I never would have done this. May God bless you all! <3
Good to hear that she's doing a little better! Hopefully, she continues to improve! How about "Hope" or "Joy" for a name? "Chance" or "Lucky" might also be good names.
Excellent to hear she is responding to tube feeding,she is a fighter. Go slow and easy,keep her warm and supply heaps and heaps of TLC,she is one lucky little lady,you are a excellent chicken momma.

It takes so much courage,to do what must be done in order to win this battle for her life,you were able to get past your fear of tube feeding in order to accomplish this,you should be proud of yourself for this and for fighting for her when she had nothing left.

I think Faith is a lovely name for her,faith in yourself and faith in her to keep fighting.

I have been following this thread tmlpike. I have not commented because I don't have any knowledge in this area but have been waiting to see what happens! Bravo to you for trying something you didn't know how to do and were afraid of at first. And bravo for asking the right questions to figure it out. I don't think I would have the strength you did if I were in the same situation. Please don't hesitate to update and post pictures. Perhaps "bravo" may be a cool name for your sweet as a testament to both of your strengths to overcome a horrific situation.
Great to hear that Fuzzy Butt is getting her crop filled. I hope that she starts to heal now. Hats off to you for trying to save her, and to your parents who have supported you through this.
I just read your thread...and...oh my! Why are the dog owners never responcible for their animals actions?
How bout blessed fuzzy bum?
Shame to take her given name completely ...sounds like she was named for characteristics you liked.
Great news! For the more experienced people on this thread, now that the chicken is getting some nutrition, what should the OP be doing know re: possible infection around the bite area? Is that a concern?
Great news! For the more experienced people on this thread, now that the chicken is getting some nutrition, what should the OP be doing know re: possible infection around the bite area? Is that a concern?
Infection is always a concern,know the symptoms of infection and treat asap. I have always used peroxide for any/all infections on all my pets/children and have never had to purchase anything stronger,i know all the data regarding peroxide killing healthy tissue,but peroxide will kill infections and the benefits outweigh the cons. Peroxide can be diluted to minimize damage to surrounding tissue,but i use full strength for infections.
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After your girl have healed,try making a mash out of her feed,add warm water(so it resembles oatmeal)she may be able to eat on her own. For water i would suggest you purchase poultry nipples,this way she should be able to drink on her own.

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