PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

It is really nice to see you and Fuzzy Bum are making out so well keep up the good work
Been following Fuzzy Bum and so glad she is doing so well. I have a hen in the 'hospital' right now and when I was feeding her last night I thought of Fuzzy. I gave my girl some grit with her hard boiled eggs last night and she was more interested in eating the grit than she was the eggs. I think we forget sometimes chickens need grit to digest their food. Just saying ....
This is REALLY a crazy idea but is there a university with a poultry dept.any where near you ?
I just wondered if there is would they be interested in 'making' Fuzzy Bum a new beak. Sort of a experiment type project. Maybe grafting or 'gluing' her a beak from a deceased chicken. I know it really sounds nuts but I was just trying to think for something that might help her to eat better. Maybe someone else in he BYC family has some ideas ? Okay, pretty silly idea. I'm going to get back in my straight jacket now.

Not such a silly idea - every invention started with an idea. Some of them may have sounded silly at the start, like being able to talk to someone on the other side of the world or replacing missing limbs. I think the beak is made from material much like our fingernails or a dog's toenails. I feel that it may re-grow given enough time and provided the nerves and blood supply have not been damaged. My roo had his beak damaged and his is growing back. No where near as badly as Fuzzy Bum, but I am still hopeful that it will re-grow. It will just take time. The biggest hurdle was getting her to eat and keep up her strength. That has been accomplished with gusto!!
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What a horrible thing to happen to your girl! You've done a great job in nursing her back to health. I hope all goes well for her and that the neighbor is keeping their dog in check.
Cute pics...hows she doing on feeding herself?
You've done a fantastic job nursing her back to health..
Big pat on the back for you

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