PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Watched your YouTube video. Great job ! Hope it can get Fuzzy Bum some help. Might think about and "up date" in a couple of weeks with more video of just Fuzzy Bum. Maybe out with her 'play mates' showing how she is trying (but can't ) eat. Will keep praying for you both. Best wishes !
Great video! You have done a wonder job with Fuzzy Bum and I just know that someone out there will know how to help.
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@Dee Dee 2 , here is the link to Fuzzy Bum's Youtube video. Enjoy :)

Such an endearing and inspirational story. I've kept up with FB's tale as many have, and I just watched your video. I have a few little suggestions on what I would do to make it stir more emotions, and therefore have a better chance of getting shared a lot online.

* If possible, I'd really love to have the story of her wanting to perch by the hockey bag, and then you realize why, and her looking at the photos of chickens and recognizing her deceased friend, and talking to the photos. That is the sweetest thing ever.

* I'd show more photos of her progress while you are narrating the video. No such thing as too many photos of FB!

* If possible, I'd add some sad music in the background. Sad music can really, really set a mood of a video. I remember there's a video about a bobcat shared by a big cat rescue, and at one point this sad music starts; it makes everyone in the room start crying. (found it:
the singing that starts around 1:34 into the video)

The parts in the beginning where you re-enacted running to the chicken house were really well done, by the way.

Please keep us updated on everything :)
@Serenity Sav thank you for your suggestions, they are great ideas! However, I'm not sure if I am able to edit the YouTube video now that it has already been published :(
@Northie thank you, that gives me hope <3
Thank you all so much for your support
I thought that I'd share a cute story. A couple of nights ago. I was holding Fuzzy Bum in my arms. Her head was facing mine. For some reason, I stuck my tongue out and then Fuzzy Bum decided to copy me, and she stuck her tongue out at me. I was laughing so hard!!! I stuck my tongue out again and then it looked like she was going to bite my tongue, so I put it back in my mouth. Fuzzy Bum is a cutie pie :) And a very intelligent girl as well.
Well shucks ! Make post and my computer got stuck. (<_>). So here goes again. I think tmlpike has some excellent ideas for another Youtube post. I assume you would have to give it a different title. Like "Please help Fuzzy Bum" or something of that nature. I guess you also know you are going to get some ugly feed back also. Anyway, I would make another post to Youtube as soon as you can. I think the longer Fuzzy has no beak the harder it is going to be to repair. Best wishes to you both ~ you are both doing a wonderful job !
Fuzzy Bum is doing AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I could not be happier. Last night was the last time we tube fed her. She is now eating 2 eggs with her food mixed into it for breakfast (I still have to hand feed the egg strips to her) and for supper, to replace her 60mL of Kaytee Formula, she eats BY HERSELF oatmeal with her pellets and mixed grain mixed into the food. That is one of her favourite foods of all times. And I'm sure she is also very proud that she can eat it by herself without my help. All I do is hold the bowl full of oatmeal for her. She has also been drinking by herself as well out of puddles. It takes her a little bit longer, but she is doing great :)


Also, guess who is laying eggs again??? FUZZY BUM!!! :D I took some quick pictures of her in the nesting box so I could share my excitement with you guys! :)

She also discovered the mirror in our basement. She loves looking at herself in the mirror. I don't blame her at all. She is so pretty!!!!! And she knows it :)

Here is Fuzzy Bum on the left, with her best friend and sister Babe. They are always found side by side. They even sleep beside each other up on the rafter :)

Thank you all again so much for your help and prayers. Fuzzy Bum would not be where she is today if it weren't for you guys. God Bless!!! And Happy Easter. <3

JOHN 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

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