Pocket of fluid on ducks foot


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
Hi, I decided to start a new thread in hopes that more people will see it. I’ve had a duck who has been limping for about two weeks. I thought it was a sprain because the joint above her foot was a little swollen, and I was making her rest inside and gave her aspirin and extra niacin. She didn’t improve much (though some swelling has gone down, so I re-examined this week, thinking maybe it was bumblefoot, but she’s actually got a pocket of fluid on her foot, sort of like where our heel would be. There is no core or scab like bumblefoot. It’s a little warm. I soaked it in Epsom salt and oregano oil today for about 20 minutes and bandaged it up with drawing salve. Any other suggestions? My vet has stopped seeing birds due to avian flu, and the only other one I can find that will see her this week just wants to charge me $400 to walk in the door with her. I’ve had my ducks get little bits of fluid around their toes but it usually go away on its own after a few weeks. This is much bigger and causing a limp.


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