Polish chick colors?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2016
Hi. I picked up some polish chicks today, but I'm unsure of the colors. I know one is a golden laced. One has a black spot on its head and five toes. I think one is a white crested black or possibly blue and I'm unsure of the other. Any thoughts?
My best guess would be-
Top left is a white crested black
top right is what I assume is also a white crested black and or something similar XD
bottom left is a blue or black
bottom right is the goldenlaced :3
My guess would be
top left White Crested Blue Polish, (it might be black, but from it's feather coming in looks blue to me)
top right is a Mottled Houdan
bottom left looks like a Crevecoeur
bottom right is a Golden Laced Polish
Thanks everyone. Sadly the little bluish black in thr bottom corner died overnight. Everyone else seems to be doing great. I've heard polish chicks can be difficult. :(

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