Polish chick getting pecked - What should I do?

What should I do with Chickabiddy?

  • Try to find a new home for her now

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Keep her separated until she’s 5-6 months old and try to integrate her into main flock

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Build a separate coop for her and get a couple more Polish to be her friends

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Other ideas? Please share!

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Unfortunately, once blood has been drawn from picking, you have no choice but to separate Chickabiddy. Especially when there are several chicks in an enclosed area. A bloody spot is something that attracts other chicks/chickens to pick at which could cause an infection. But once she has grown bigger and stronger her chances of not getting bullied in the future will improve.
Thank you for the response! This is what we ended up doing. She spent about 2 weeks in a wire dog crate inside the henhouse (our brooder) where the other chicks could see her. Once my husband finished the run, we let them all out together on the first morning. Now they are all doing well. I’m watching closely and have not seen any pecking like before.

My husband built a divider with a door into the run so that we can separate her or a bully or whatever crops up in the future. He’s actually agreed to build a second coop for me, but having the divider will give him some breathing room so that he doesn’t have to kill himself to get it done in a hurry.

I also ordered two 6-week-old Polish pullets that are supposed to ship July 6. They should be within a week of my birds age wise so I’m hoping the integration will go smoothly. If we do end up having to separate Chickabiddy, she’ll have company.

Here she is at almost 6 weeks old a couple of days ago. The purple stain from the Pick No More we tried has almost all faded away and you can see how much her feathers have grown since then.


Thank you for the response! This is what we ended up doing. She spent about 2 weeks in a wire dog crate inside the henhouse (our brooder) where the other chicks could see her. Once my husband finished the run, we let them all out together on the first morning. Now they are all doing well. I’m watching closely and have not seen any pecking like before.

My husband built a divider with a door into the run so that we can separate her or a bully or whatever crops up in the future. He’s actually agreed to build a second coop for me, but having the divider will give him some breathing room so that he doesn’t have to kill himself to get it done in a hurry.

I also ordered two 6-week-old Polish pullets that are supposed to ship July 6. They should be within a week of my birds age wise so I’m hoping the integration will go smoothly. If we do end up having to separate Chickabiddy, she’ll have company.

Here she is at almost 6 weeks old a couple of days ago. The purple stain from the Pick No More we tried has almost all faded away and you can see how much her feathers have grown since then.

View attachment 3173472

View attachment 3173473
She is really cute! I'm glad you worked out a plan to help Chickabiddy. :)

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