polish chickens - sex question

here are the mottled (?) hens I got:


They are both roosters. The roosters have the wild looking crests and the hens have fuller more even crests.

This is what a hen would look like
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Now what about the V comb? the brown polish roos don't have the "devil horns" like the black and white one. I read somewhere that that was a distinguisher for mottled houdans but am definitely a novice at this. Do polish roos ever have the "V"? Are my black and white hens polish or mottled houdans? Thanks much for the responses everyone!
my black and white hens do have 5 toes...so I guess that makes them mottled houdans. I don't think the white/black roo does, but he does have the V comb so maybe he's a hybrid?
All Polish roosters really should have V combs. But sometimes they can have single combs if some genes got messed up in the process. OR, they could end up with other types of combs, too, because of messed up genes. The Golden in your picture looks like a pure bred Polish, though. It's not hard to tell a mix from a pure bred.

To my knowledge, Houdans also have V combs. It's one of the traits that most crested birds acquire-not counting Silkies and other certain breeds. Leg color says that your mottled hens in the pictures, at least in the birst one, are Houdans. Polish have slate colored legs. Houdans have pink colored legs. Also, Polish don't have 5 toes, only 4. The White Crested rooster's legs are blackish slate so he is a Polish.
Sorry, I am late on this one. I agree with everything PolishPrincess said. You have Polish roos, a white crested black Polish roo and 2 houdan hens. Houdan do have V combs and 5 toes.
My houdan hens

Polish hen and roo.

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