Polish chicks with green showing on backs?


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
I was going to buy a couple of Polish chicks from someone. They are about 12 weeks old now. She said that due to it looking like some green shiny green feathers that are popping out on the rump area she believed they are cockerels. Is this reliable? She has gold laced and black/white. Does this tend to indicate they are cockerels at this age?
Most black birds (or birds with black) have green sheen as soon as they get feathers. I wouldn't trust this way of sexing.
Personally no I don’t think this is an accurate way to sex them. I have two white crested black polish hens and in the right light they have a greenish tint to them.

Do you have pics of the birds in question?

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