Polish Picked On?


11 Years
Dec 13, 2010
We have 11 chicks about 3 months old, several different breeds. Two of them are White Crested Black Polish. I don't know if it's the crest feathers looking inviting or the two of them being too timid, but they both are getting pecked on the tops of their heads. Their heads are bloody and getting more bald by the day. We don't see them doing it to each other, but we're not around 100% of the time. Has anyone had this issue with Polish? We've never had birds with crests before. Any suggestions? We can separate them if necessary, but if it's just a phase, we'd like to avoid it.

Thanks very much!
Sadly enough it is rather common for Polish in mixed flocks to have their crests removed. You can use blu kote, separate them until they regrow crests, but generally upon reintroduction it starts all over again.
I have a pretty gold laced polish. They have done well together for a good while. This year, she lost her tophat completely....she was BALD! No blood, just bald. She stayed that way most of the fall. During her winter molt, it grew back and I have not seen any sign of it being pecked....yet.

Just a pet quality bird, but I love her. she hasn't gotten all her tail after the molt, in this photo. Too bad I never got a bald photo of her.

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