Polish roo eye gone and eye socket bleeding help


6 Years
Jun 18, 2013
My roo got attacked by the hens when we opened the coop this morning he was laying down and not moving much. Upon further inspection his whole eye was pecked out and his eye socket is just a big bloody hole what can we do for him were very new at chickens we got them in June...will he survive or is the eye socket being open its a lil bigger than a quarter really bad :( I'm heart broken I love my roo!
I would clean it gently, and put Neosporin or another brand of antibiotic ointment in the eye. It sounds like the eye ruptured, but many times after doctoring a pecked eye, the eye will show up in there after swelling goes down. He should be okay with 1 eye, but Polish chickens get picked on in mixed flocks. I have one hen that gets scalped about once a year, so I have taken her out and put her with more docile breeds.
Thank you for the advice I have a picture of it if I can get it to post it looks bad :( the whole eye socket has been pecked out. What is the best way to clean the blood off without hurting him?
When our roo needed cleaning up after a attack I just wet down a few cotton balls and wiped his feathers down. Good luck with your roo.
And he is in a mixed flock I ordered the rainbow layers from mcmuray hatchery and he was the free exotic chick. I seperated him from the flock and brought him in my house in a crate he shows no interest in food or water he's strode up twice then just lays back down would it be ok to trim his top notch away from his injured eye so I can clean it up better or should I just try my best to wipe all his feathers down he's such a sweet boy I can't stand the thought of losing him. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you I tried with paper towels but it didn't work very well ill go try cotton balls now and maybe I can get a better pic.
If you have any saline (such as an unopened bottle of nasal saline spray) You could pour it over the wound and dab it with gauze or cotton. Watch him closely for infection. You can make normal saline by adding 1 teaspoonful of salt to a quart/liter of water, and boiling it for 15 minutes to sterilize it, and of course cool it.
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Ok I got him cleaned and trimmed so I could see better what was going on he's still has blood on him but he was getting stressed so I decided to try again later the good news he has his eye but right above it he has a huge hole which is why I thought his eye was gone do you think he will be able to survive this is the 1st time I've had an injured chicken

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