Polish Rooster


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
I'm wondering if Polish roosters are typically mean. I had one that "scratched"...that's an understatement but I don't know how else to describe it.....me on the leg one day a couple of months ago and from then on, I had to have a stick in my hand when entering the pen and I didn't dare take my eyes off of him because he was constantly trying to attack. This past Sunday (6/7/15) I had a goose grab my cochin rooster and was trying to kill him so I charged in to the pen to make the goose let go and forgot all about the polish rooster. I don't know where he came from, but he got my leg again (see below). My husband said he had had enough of him so he made me go in the house and he "took care of him". Now, I have a hen and no rooster and I'm afraid to get another for fear it will be the same. I had hatched out 5 chicks about 6 weeks ago and I turned them out in the pen Saturday and I only have 1 left now. I'm guessing that a possum or coon got the others. Does anyone know how long the hen's eggs remain fertile?

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