Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me a little bit about my polish I think its a boy but its prettier then the other male and also what would the coloring be. Plus if it is a male do I need to seperate it from the other one?
Can anyone tell me a little bit about my polish I think its a boy but its prettier then the other male and also what would the coloring be. Plus if it is a male do I need to seperate it from the other one?
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Can anyone tell me a little bit about my polish I think its a boy but its prettier then the other male and also what would the coloring be. Plus if it is a male do I need to seperate it from the other one?

I'm no expert and I could be wrong but I don't think coloring has anything to do with it. It seems polish come in all sorts of colors. I did notice my roosters wattles are dark red and started coming in before the others. It also has more of a rooster personality but is still sweet. I'm suspectin the other may be a rooster as well. They seem to be getting along really well so far. I think it's possible to keep them together if you have enough hens and they are raised together from the very beginning. Good luck. :)
Well that's it we only have 3 hen that are polish. We got them for pets for our daughter. It's the first time I have ever had polish. She fell in love with the neighbors. Since I already have 14 other hens and a new rooster that was suppose to be a hen I thought a straight run would be ok because I would have enough girls for them all but lol I may have been wrong. But oh well worse comes to worse he will be a basement bird with a girl friend. And be a pet.
Well that's it we only have 3 hen that are polish. We got them for pets for our daughter. It's the first time I have ever had polish. She fell in love with the neighbors. Since I already have 14 other hens and a new rooster that was suppose to be a hen I thought a straight run would be ok because I would have enough girls for them all but lol I may have been wrong. But oh well worse comes to worse he will be a basement bird with a girl friend. And be a pet.

Lol I know what you mean. We have 3 and adore them. 2 roos and a hen. The standards won't except th so we are building them their own coop and plan on buying a fee more girls. The things we do for chickens lol
Our neighbors rooster is actually the polish and the rest of their glock are standard hens. Our hens were fine with them side by side to introduce them to each other then my silver turned out to be a rooster and well that won't work. We were going to wait.till we slaughter the turkeys and give them new friends but I can't with a standard rooster...and go figure my hens won't seperate from the turkeys either they have one spot they fit through and sneak in with them when we sepetate the chickens and turkeys so we give up...BIRDS ARE STUBBORN. :D
Our neighbors rooster is actually the polish and the rest of their glock are standard hens. Our hens were fine with them side by side to introduce them to each other then my silver turned out to be a rooster and well that won't work. We were going to wait.till we slaughter the turkeys and give them new friends but I can't with a standard rooster...and go figure my hens won't seperate from the turkeys either they have one spot they fit through and sneak in with them when we sepetate the chickens and turkeys so we give up...BIRDS ARE STUBBORN. :D

Lol that they are haha

Can anyone tell me a little bit about my polish I think its a boy but its prettier then the other male and also what would the coloring be. Plus if it is a male do I need to seperate it from the other one?

At 8 weeks I would not be so sure you have a roo there. Can you see wattles? Are they red? Your little polish has a very round globular crest which would point me towards female.

Looks to be a mixed colour so the parent birds were more than likely different colours and not bred true. I love them like this as you never quite know what they will end up like. I've had some very interesting colours from mixing parent birds.

For now if everyone is getting along I would not take it out of the flock and give it more time. Polish can keep you guessing for 3 - 6 months.
Good luck with polish :D
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This was one of my roo's when he was still little, he got eaten by an owl because he couldn't see.

This is his brother, whom is still with us. He had to come in and get his spurs trimmed and get his mullet haircut so he can see to get away from things if need be. I actually like the way he looks with his haircut better lol. We call him crazyhead

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