Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My polish is almost a year old, and has never laid an egg.  She was also attacked by a dog this Feburary.  Should I be concerned, or is it normal for chickens not to lay eggs after a traumatic experience?:idunno

An attack sure can put them back. Is she your only polish? Does she get on OK within the flock?

I'm still waiting on ours to lay eggs as well. It will be an exciting time for sure lol :)

Like me when I found my first ever polish egg :D
I went running into the house with it like I'd found real gold treasure :weee
You would have thought I'd never seen an egg before :gig

Needless to say my son and his Dad thought I was crazy and didn't show quite as much enthusiasm over the little treasure of an egg!
An attack sure can put them back. Is she your only polish? Does she get on OK within the flock?
Like me when I found my first ever polish egg :D
I went running into the house with it like I'd found real gold treasure :weee
You would have thought I'd never seen an egg before :gig

Needless to say my son and his Dad thought I was crazy and didn't show quite as much enthusiasm over the little treasure of an egg!

Lmao. Yes exactly. My husband and sons are bored out of their mind with my chickens lol. Its a sickness for me and my daughter though lol.
An attack sure can put them back. Is she your only polish? Does she get on OK within the flock?
Like me when I found my first ever polish egg

I went running into the house with it like I'd found real gold treasure

You would have thought I'd never seen an egg before

Needless to say my son and his Dad thought I was crazy and didn't show quite as much enthusiasm over the little treasure of an egg!

You're like me. I can't wait for my first eggs!!! I imagine that I'll be so crazy that my husband will think I found a snake or something. LOL
Lmao. Yes exactly. My husband and sons are bored out of their mind with my chickens lol. Its a sickness for me and my daughter though lol.

It was the other way around for me originally. The other half started with chickens, someone offered him a cheap coop and run so he decided to get a couple of laying hens. I was petrified of birds, convinced they would peck and scratch my eyes out!! Amy and Penny arrived and settled into their coop and run and won me over. I could not even stroke them at first but they restored my faith in birds and they didn't peck or scratch my eyes out!! As they say the rest his history and my chicken empire grew and grew :D

 You're like me. I can't wait for my first eggs!!! I imagine that I'll be so crazy that my husband will think I found a snake or something. LOL

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I have only one polish and she gets along fine with our other chicken. She was picked on for a little while because we had to reintroduce her, but thats all stopped. We called a vet and they said nothing was permenately damaged so we THINK that she's ok.
I have only one polish and she gets along fine with our other chicken.  She was picked on for a little while because we had to reintroduce her, but thats all stopped.  We called a vet and they said nothing was permenately damaged so we THINK that she's ok.

Just wondered as polish are often picked on and at the bottom of the pecking order in a mixed flock and the stress can cause them not to lay.
Some polish are also just not good egg layers. They were originally bred for egg laying but as they developed over the many many years they were turned into an ornamental breed mainly for showing.
I have only one polish and she gets along fine with our other chicken.  She was picked on for a little while because we had to reintroduce her, but thats all stopped.  We called a vet and they said nothing was permenately damaged so we THINK that she's ok.

Is she free ranging or in a run? Just wondering if it's possible that's she is laying them elsewhere. Some are late layers and if she was not damaged internally then hopefully you will have eggs from her soon. If she free ranges, it is possible she is jut not laying in the nesting boxes with the rest of the hens and is choosing a hidden spot that hasn't been found yet.
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dreamwallaby makes a good point. I remember finding whole nests full of eggs in the field when I was a kid on the farm. We'd gather them up in whatever buckets we could find and water test them. Once there were 2 gallons of eggs in one nest! There were always a handful of bad eggs in the nests, so my sisters and I threw them at each other like water baloons. LOL. But yeah, if your polish free ranges, she could be hiding her little treasures.

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