Polish-@ what age do they start to lay


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
upstate NY
AND Does it make a diference if they're banty or not...?

I bought a polish hen from Shay20, she said she's about 13-14 months and has never laid an egg for her and hasn't laid anything for me either...

Do they lay every day, like some other breeds?

My polish bantam started laying at 8 months and lays an egg every other day. I think polish mature a little slower. She should definately be old enough to lay by now. Maybe you need to sing to her more
Could we get a pic. She sounds plenty old enough to be laying eggs. It takes them 25 hours for a egg to complete its cycle. Soo you should be getting one in a pattern of like 2 days then skipping an day then 2.
It is a little cold for them to be laying right now but in spring she should deffinatly be old enough to lay, my only thought is that she matured to they age as it got too cold to lay? I dunno, only thing I can think of x
took my LF polish 8-9 months to lay for about a month or so then nothing for 4 months:- She just started laying again 3 days ago and I have gotten an egg every day-she's a tad spoiled too-I pick her up at night and put her in her own private nesting box up high;-)
ok, sing to her, put her up high in her very own nest box and wait till spring...got it....!

we're in upstate NY where the weather is crazy... cold, warm, cold, rainy, windy, cold.

I'll get a pic of her...


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