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Its tough to "play a game" without knowing the rules.... but I want to win some hatching eggs, so....

Easter Eggers.... yup, mutts, are my favorites. They're "like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you're gonna get!" Colors, muffs or no muffs, beards or no beards, green, blue, brown, beige eggs! Its like a big mystery every time! I love that!

AND, AND AND..... my EEs are absolutely fabulously friendly. My first, Sophie, has learned that if she flies to a particular place, she will get "petsies." Much to her chagrine, another EE, Fat Gray #1, has learned the same and now they fight for attention. Another EE, Fizzgig, my first hatched egg, falls asleep and purrs when I hold her and rub her muffs. She will stretch her neck way out, like a dog, to get scratched just right. My EE roo, Gash, flies onto my arm when I call him.I hatched him from my D'Uccle roo and Fat Gray #1.

My other absolute fav, tho I only have one and cannot attest to the breed in general, is Cleo, my Dutch Bantam, who is the sweetest little lap chicken. She flies to me from all over the run just to be held and carried around. She's hardly ever interested in treats, just lovin'!
My favorite breed of chickens are Salmon Faverolles.

They sound so sweet, and so playful! Currently I have none though.
. I love the coloring- although I'm not sure why they're called Salmon Faverolles, since their lacing is more gold colored. I like their fluffy cheeks, and the way they have to look up at you through all that fluff. I've always wanted a chicken with feathered legs, too. And the five toes are a plus
. Also, I've heard they can be great winter layers! And who can say no to a face like this?

(not my bird)

Buff Orpingtons. Should be nicknamed the puppy dog chicken. They follow me around in the yard. As I painted the fence they just sat with me. They were also the first chicks to figure some things out like how to roost and how to dust bathe.
Hello All,
For LF laying chickens I would have to say hands down...Turkens...aka Naked Necks. They have a great personality, look like no other chicken, and are excellent layers of gynormous brown eggs. They wont pinch your fingers when they are being hand fed like so many other breeds and they tend to be pretty smart. Any color will do. I am also a sucker for showgirls and bantam cochins for many of the same reasons.
For Chickens: I am gonna have to say Red Shouldered Yokohama and White Crested Blue Polish! Small and cuddly and so beautiful!

For Ducks: Really close race between Muscovy and Cayuga! Both beautiful!
Think about this - a white crested black or blue silky. Picture it in your mind - how neat would that be? I have to wonder why no one has created such a bird.
Blue! I like anything blue. Blue American Geese, Blue Slate Turkeys, Blue Swedish ducks, Blue Andalusian Chickens.

But my favorite breed of all is Pomeranian goose. Oops, no blue there.

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