Do you have a poodle!?

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It is 100% the owners.
Small dogs tend to attract irresponsible owners. The smaller the dog, the more likely someone is going to treat it like a toy. And because of their popularity, there are many back-yard breeders selling poodles who are not breeding for health and temperament, but for the profit. Which means these dogs often are not going to have the traits of a well bred poodle, such as friendliness, intelligence, good obedience, etc. So their genetics can be part of the problem too.

The poodles intelligence comes only second to the border collie, and miniature and standard poodles are considered high energy dogs. If the owner is not meeting their mental and physical needs by properly exercising and training them, they are going to have a bored and disobedient dog.

Poodles are a very versatile breed that is capable of much more than looking pretty. If you're willing to train and work with them they can be awesome dogs.
Anyone else?
I have a standard French Poodle from Quebec, Canada named Sophie 8 yrs old had her aunt named Sandy but she passed last year was 12 yrs. I love my girls are/were very smart.


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I've owned a lot of dogs in my life. Small ones included. I consider myself a responsible owner. Small dogs are often seen as children replacements, so people let them get away with more. Plus a nip from a small dog is usually nothing much, but a nip from a large dog will almost always break the skin. So smaller dogs aren't always corrected, and smaller dogs are often held more which can create guarding behaviors. Just my 2 cents.

I've groomed toy poodles. They are a bit more reactive than miniature and standards. Probably because they are often bred for size first. Again just my 2 cents.
I have a standard French Poodle from Quebec, Canada named Sophie 8 yrs old had her aunt named Sandy but she passed last year was 12 yrs. I love my girls are/were very smart.
I'm so jealous. They are gorgeous. So sorry you lost Sandy. Was she the white or black one?
I've owned a lot of dogs in my life. Small ones included. I consider myself a responsible owner. Small dogs are often seen as children replacements, so people let them get away with more. Plus a nip from a small dog is usually nothing much, but a nip from a large dog will almost always break the skin. So smaller dogs aren't always corrected, and smaller dogs are often held more which can create guarding behaviors. Just my 2 cents.

I've groomed toy poodles. They are a bit more reactive than miniature and standards. Probably because they are often bred for size first. Again just my 2 cents.
Yeah it seems the toys are different temperament hah

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