Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Deep litter, woods coop user here, getting ready to do the first cleaning in the next few weeks. I cannot imagine cleaning my coop every day or even every week. I built it last spring and haven't cleaned it yet. I add some leaves or a bag of shavings every so often and it seems to be working well.
What are the advantages to having the birds poop on a board as opposed to the ground where it gets mixed in? Am I missing something? I'm not trying to be rude I am new to chickens and want to know if I should change my method.
What are the advantages to having the birds poop on a board as opposed to the ground where it gets mixed in?
Less moisture in coop...nicer winter environment.
Takes maybe 10 minutes to sift poop daily, am better able to do that small daily task then move that much litter even once a year. Have never actually tallied the amount of poop...but I'd guess it averages out to about 10-15 gallons a month.
I also do not have a compost system, so a friend who does have one appreciates the nitrogen input and I appreciate it getting put to good use.
Ok, so my first coop was done without poop boards-I simply loaded up the floor with sand figuring that would be easy enough to sift the poop out of. Well, the plan sounded good in theory but I found it didn't work so good in reality. Don't get me wrong, the poop scoops out of the sand BUT- the sand SMELLS even after the poop is gone. Also, it is a dusty mess while scooping and I need to take frequent breaks just to breath fresh air. Still better though than changing out shavings weekly (I don't like DLM).

So when we built our 2nd coop we decided to try poop boards
WOW, what a difference. We built a waist high shelf and then added a lip all around and filled it with Sweet PDZ, LOVE IT!!!! I simply sift the poop up every day or two but you certainly can leave it longer if you had to. The Sweet PDZ keeps it from smelling at all. And the best part- NO DUST when scooping. It's almost like sifting flour. It is very zen like to clean and I tend to get carried away and make designs for my girls ( I know, I have issues

Anyway, thought I would share my experience and of course some pics

I’m just getting started... do they only poop when they roost? Or is there poop on the floor if the coop also? Thanks!
I’m just getting started... do they only poop when they roost? Or is there poop on the floor if the coop also? Thanks!
Hi BeachGirls26...So they poop all day, here and there, but the majority of their poop is under their roost...so the poop board helps to manage that. If I can recommend one thing in your coop...it's having a poop board. It makes clean up a breeze, and keeps the smell minimal. Also, I bed my chickens with pine shavings and generously sprinkle either sweet pdz or Stall Dry over those shavings. It helps to dry up any poop on the shavings, and again keeps the smell down. I also sprinkle it all over their run, for the same reasons. In my opinion, it's a huge game changer, and I wouldn't be without it. Good Luck!
Deep litter, woods coop user here, getting ready to do the first cleaning in the next few weeks. I cannot imagine cleaning my coop every day or even every week. I built it last spring and haven't cleaned it yet. I add some leaves or a bag of shavings every so often and it seems to be working well.
What are the advantages to having the birds poop on a board as opposed to the ground where it gets mixed in? Am I missing something? I'm not trying to be rude I am new to chickens and want to know if I should change my method.
There’s no reason you can’t do both deep litter and poop boards. I adore my waist high poop boards! Less than 5 minutes a day to scoop poop as I visit with my ladies. Doris always jumps up on the roost or poop board and sings to me as she insists I take a moment to pet her. Hubby and I enjoy sitting in the coop hanging out with them. There’s no bad smells. I can tell you my compost is so rich. I even had a neighbor ask me for a bucket of poop I gather from the poop board.
We don’t have sweet PDZ in Canada. I can get stall fresh or ag lime... has anyone used either of these products in the same way? I love this idea and built my board in hopes of using this method. I wasn’t sure if the ag lime would be too dusty. I have some of that and spears it under the shavings o the floor.
my guys just moved in to their coop yesterday.
We don’t have sweet PDZ in Canada. I can get stall fresh
I’m wondering if stall fresh isn’t the same as PDZ. We have places that sell PDZ under similar names.
The term 'stall fresh' is used in more than a few products.
Even Sweet PDZ has 'stall freshener' on the label.
You need to find the exact ingredients of a product to know what it actually is,
some never list them even in the MSDS, they can be hard to find, takes some real digging.

Some lime is fine for use with animals, others are not.
Depends on type and how used. I don't think any works like zeolite.
Here are my notes on lime:

Hydrated lime, slake lime, or "burn lime"- This is pure white. Hydrated lime is very caustic, so the bag will have a warning on it. This is the kind of lime you use for white wash . This lime will burn you and your livestock. Do not use it on the floor. Do not breath it.

Agricultural lime, "ag lime", "garden lime", "barn lime" or dolomite- This lime is gray and can be used to spread on the floor of your barn. This is safe for you and your livestock. It will not burn.

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