Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

The term 'stall fresh' is used in more than a few products.
Even Sweet PDZ has 'stall freshener' on the label.
You need to find the exact ingredients of a product to know what it actually is,
some never list them even in the MSDS, they can be hard to find, takes some real digging.

Some lime is fine for use with animals, others are not.
Depends on type and how used. I don't think any works like zeolite.
Here are my notes on lime:

Hydrated lime, slake lime, or "burn lime"- This is pure white. Hydrated lime is very caustic, so the bag will have a warning on it. This is the kind of lime you use for white wash . This lime will burn you and your livestock. Do not use it on the floor. Do not breath it.

Agricultural lime, "ag lime", "garden lime", "barn lime" or dolomite- This lime is gray and can be used to spread on the floor of your barn. This is safe for you and your livestock. It will not burn.
Thank you for the clarifications. Exactly what I was looking for. I hope this helps OP.
We don’t have sweet PDZ in Canada. I can get stall fresh or ag lime... has anyone used either of these products in the same way? I love this idea and built my board in hopes of using this method. I wasn’t sure if the ag lime would be too dusty. I have some of that and spears it under the shavings o the floor.
my guys just moved in to their coop yesterday.
I use Stall Dry as well, in fact more often now that Sweet PDZ, as it has diatomaceous earth in it, which helps control mites in the coop. Both work the same way on the poop board...keeping smells down, and making scooping easy. I also use the Stall Dry mixed with some fireplace ash and dirt for their dust baths... :)
I use Stall Dry as well, in fact more often now that Sweet PDZ, as it has diatomaceous earth in it, which helps control mites in the coop. Both work the same way on the poop board...keeping smells down, and making scooping easy. I also use the Stall Dry mixed with some fireplace ash and dirt for their dust baths... :)
Do you use the stall dry powder or pellets? And is it dusty?
I have the ag lime (I sprinkled it under their shavings in the coop) so I was thinking of using/trying that in the poop board since I have it. But I can get the stall dry so I will if I mow that works.
Deep litter, woods coop user here, getting ready to do the first cleaning in the next few weeks. I cannot imagine cleaning my coop every day or even every week. I built it last spring and haven't cleaned it yet. I add some leaves or a bag of shavings every so often and it seems to be working well.
What are the advantages to having the birds poop on a board as opposed to the ground where it gets mixed in? Am I missing something? I'm not trying to be rude I am new to chickens and want to know if I should change my method.
There’s no reason you can’t do both deep litter and poop boards.
Actually, I can think of one very good reason not to use poop boards. If you have 200 chickens.

Scooping that much poop every day is an onerous chore. From now on, I am designing future coops to have dirt floor and do @Beekissed ‘s deep litter method. The coop where I have my poop boards has about 50 chickens in it, and I absolutely hate trying to keep up with the scooping. If I didn’t need the space under the boards for broody hens and chick brooders, I would take them out.

It seems to me that if your plan is to get compost from the deep litter, there is no point to catching the night poops on the droppings board. What do we do with the poops we scoop? Add them to our compost pile. But if you are composting in place with your deep litter...

But I am still a fan of the poop boards for small flocks. And tiny cute clean coops. :D
Actually, I can think of one very good reason not to use poop boards. If you have 200 chickens.
No Kidding!!!

The coop where I have my poop boards has about 50 chickens in it, and I absolutely hate trying to keep up with the scooping.
I think about 30 birds is my limit for daily sifting...
...but my coop only holds about 20 over winter.

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