Poop boards with coffee grounds

The *Grounds* brand coffee ground bedding does not have caffeine in it. It's nearly impossible to find these days (I stockpiled last winter), but I've been using it for almost a year without issue. The benefit is the odor control, the sift-ability, and that it is completely dust-free.

Unfortunately, it seems like the company is going under because they only use grounds from a single coffee company in Indiana and supply apparently isn't keeping up with demand. Huge bummer.
Thank you. My SIL has mentioned the brand but I couldn't remember the name. DwcF coffee grounds didn't occur to me at all. I guess I will just stick to the pdz and all purpose sand mix. Thank you sir the information.
Coffee grounds are toxic to chickens so if you use them you have to make sure you don’t have any curious eaters in your flock, or that they just sample it and don’t go to town on it.

I have been working at a cafe/coffee roaster for the past year and I take home the coffee chaff (the skins/husks that are removed during the roasting process). It’s highly absorbent and excellent for any sort of deep litter but not for nesting boxes because it will stick to the eggs when they are laid.
Thank you. Was it not the grounds people use then?
No no I’m pretty sure people use coffee grounds. It’s an excellent choice except for the fact that the chickens shouldn’t eat it. I don’t trust mine (or rather, I don’t trust one particular hen) otherwise I would use it myself.
Mine aren't 6 months old yet. I'm not sure how they would act. How toxic are they?

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