poop box ?

Here's some ideas for you!

In the pic above their poop tray is too far from the roost bars in my opinion.

In the pic above this, to me, is the ideal roost/poop tray setup. They have used PDZ in the roost tray which, trust me, is the most fabulous stuff EVER! You just take a wire strainer and 'sift' the poops, smooth out the PDZ and you're ready to go once again..easy-peasie!

There's a short video from this one guy who has this setup...I'll go see if I can find it and post for you...good luck!!!
Thank you. I now have a better idea, but what is PDZ?
Okay, first, here's the video....you'll be SOLD once you view this:

PDZ is/was a horse stall refresher. It is totally safe to use with our chickens, and makes your life so much easier to clean up the poops. Plus it makes your chicken coop smell good, too! You can get it at your local feed store...here's a pic of a bag of it:
I love our poop board - the one I had my husband build is the same style as the second one posted above - but we have done two roost bars (back one slightly higher than the front one). It makes keeping a clean coop SOOOOO easy. I use a dust pan and plastic kitchen strainer to clean mine - simply because it was what I had on hand, but am working on some plans for possible built in screening systems.
Thank you so much for this! New to chickens. Have 6 layers that I got about 3 weeks ago. Not happy with the shavings. This sounds so much better. I will be checking out the feed store tomorrow!

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