Poopie Butt

They are alot better today cheepin away an playin thanks for the info the black one on my lap is cotton top lol she has a black puff on her head...
If you're really desperate to get some apple cider vinegar (which should be unfiltered/unpasteurized) you can probably get it at your local grocery store. Found mine at Walmart, made by Heinz.
Good stuff it is...smells horrid, but it works.

You can also feed your chicks fermented feed as well.
One of the six black Giants my son brought home was gone yesterday morning when I woke up.

I had just checked vents and cleaned his (he was a roo for sure) the night before, he was running around just fine - and dead in less than 7 hours. We buried him out back and had a call this morning from the local True Value store that they had more Australorps for us. So, down to 20...the rest are doing great and eating/drinking well...the hard-boiled egg has done the trick, but I'm headed into town to get the probiotic powder and acv - and probably more Australorps, since they're the same age. These apparently have been vaccinated for both Marvek's and coxy, so that's a plus.

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