Poopy Butt, Throwing Up, Comb is Down


6 Years
Dec 1, 2013
Nashville, TN
Leghorn is in bad shape. She's not eating. She just sits there. If I pick her up she throws up. Her comb is flat and not bright red it's more blue.

I think she disappeared 2 weeks ago after a dog attack and finally found her way back because I have 3 leghorns now and I thought I was down to 2. I separated her and have washed her butt several times. She seemed better yesterday but today she would not leave the garage.

Suggestions? Time to cull?? I always have trouble letting go.
Leghorn is in bad shape. She's not eating. She just sits there. If I pick her up she throws up. Her comb is flat and not bright red it's more blue.

I think she disappeared 2 weeks ago after a dog attack and finally found her way back because I have 3 leghorns now and I thought I was down to 2. I separated her and have washed her butt several times. She seemed better yesterday but today she would not leave the garage.

Suggestions? Time to cull?? I always have trouble letting go.
My guess would be she's having heart issues or something related to not getting enough oxygen if her comb is blue. If it were me I'd wait and see but that's just me. It's hard to say if she'll make it or not but sometimes they'll surprise you.

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