Poor TSC chicks...

Just a thought. If you have a store with live animals that aren't being properly cared for and the manager is unresponsive, call the local town officials. There are regulations that have to be followed for the care of all animals. Brain freeze right now and I can't remember if it's health dept. or not. But, most town halls will point you in the right direction.
Well you did the right thing to notify the snippy employee. You could have called local oggivials. but you didn't. So they should be thankful to you!
Oh my! Yous are all making me sick! Especially since I decided not to buy them at TSC because they want I.D. Oh my! I think I'm gonna lose my breakfast. I feel awful...
we were at TSC the other day and i mentioned to the cashier that one of the cornish x's was looking very bad - it was bloated and lying on its side - and she just gave me the 'yeah well we lost a couple yesterday '.... um... maybe she could get someone to take the sick ones out!!?!??

i have to say its not my favorite place - there is ONE employee who is helpful and the rest are very very young and dont know anything at all. on the other hand - i asked someone at my local feed store about a drench for my goats - and she thought it was something your poured on them. golly.

and PDC - if they asked for my id i'd tell them to you know what right on off. as it is i'm nervous that they have my cc info from buying feed and such.
Yes, seriously. Now I'm feeling so guilty. I could have saved some of those precious little chicks. I'm going to my TSC this week. I just gotta check on conditions there.

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