Poor TSC chicks...

I'm sorry but I agree with Scbatz. I have chicks that were delivered by the post office to me, 6 chicks from TSC, and 3 ducklings from TSC. All are doing fabulous. When TSC is getting shipped over 400 chicks a week there are bound to be weak ones in the bunch. It is the employees responsibility to make it right. You all had to start learning somewhere too.
You need to let the manager or even corporate know about the situations in the store if you ever expect things to get better (the number is on the bottom of your receipt). Boycotting TSC and causing other customers to not go there will hurt all of you who have to go there "in a pinch" if they shut down. I also want to point out that TSC is one of the only retailers still going up in sales and opening new stores so they must be doing something right somewhere!

Sorry for the rant, people who complain (sometimes unfairly!) and do nothing about it make me crazy!
Alright, not sure if anyone saw the post, but a week or two ago I went in and saw ALL of the TSC chicks dying with bloody noses. I alerted management who rushed in there immediately (seriously guys, you could tell this JUST started happening). I went in a few days ago and asked what I consider my little buddy there if he knew anything about those chicks. He didn't know what caused it and he wasn't there when they were removed, but they were alerted that a few more stores had the same thing happen. So, some hatchery sent out some VERY sick chicks and my feeling is that is was highly contagious (just looking at the chicks). Unfortunately (and I found this strange) management stood there and refused to disclose the name of the hatchery they use!!! I was in shock!

I am going to repeat, as I said in my earlier post, our TSC does a wonderful job of catering to the needs of these babies in their care. We had bunnies, too, and they were spoiled rotten....one employee got scolded for cuddling the bunnies too much!!!
Not all are bad!!!
We told the woman at the one we go to, that one of the chicks was not doing well, she saw what we meant and she took it somewhere. Not sure where. It was on its last leg. Most of the chicks were full of poopy butts which I made sure I pointed out, very loudly so that the whole store would hear me. But I did buy ducks and they are in good shape. I bought one runt that was missing a claw, it looked like one of the other ducks got hungry. That is why I took that one. SHe is soo cute and loving!!
Aw. I'm sad about your locas TSC.

Ours is really good about caring for the chicks. But we live out in the country-ish area and most of the employees have chicks. So that's always nice.

My only problem there is the brooder never gets cleaned out.
I would like to clarify in regards to my post. My post was about how TSC was treating the chicks, not about where they came from (ie hatchery). All of my girls are from Ideal & I have been more than pleased with them!

I live in a metro area & I'm guessing the young employees who work @ TSC certainly don't come from a farm & have no idea how baby chicks should be treated

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