Poorly chicken-injury


Jan 20, 2016
I adopted a few ex-battery hens 2 weeks ago. Yesterday I noticed one of them didn’t leave the coop and was laying on its side, as if sunning herself in the dust bath. Normally when I enter the coop (large walk-in coop), they normally shuffle about. This poorly one didn’t move, and continued to lay there a bit listless. So I picked her up and brought her outside to have a better look. She wouldn’t stand on one foot, so inspected the foot and found a huge piece of wood lodged into her claw. I carefully removed it but I could tell it was sore.. There was no puss or blood. I monitored her all day. She choose to stay on her own, eyes shut. I gave her Avipro plus in her drinking water. I literally sat by her holding a little bowl of water with Avipro under her beak. She took a few gulps but didn’t eat anything. She then very quietly laid an egg! I thought oh well she might be ok. But she stayed uninterested and listless all day long. Sat down on the grass with her head in sleeping position, and slept all day. Only for me to go and check every hour to make sure she stayed hydrated. Today it is the same. On top of it, it is raining heavily today. So I brought her in and made a nice dry crate with clean food and water. So far no food is eaten but she had a few sips of water and again, laid an egg very quietly! Now she is back to sleep. I am not sure what else to do other than taking her to a vet. A vet is not anywhere near so it would be a long drive. She clearly is not egg bound. Her injured claw may be infected but nothing visible. Any ideas?
Can you post some pictures of her injury? Are you in the UK (helps in suggesting things)? That she is continuing to lay is a good sign. Have you given her a good going over beak to tail to check for anything else amiss? Check for lice/mites, any hidden injuries. How do her droppings look?
Yes I am in the UK, in Scotland. I’ll take and post pictures when hubby is home so he can take it while I hold her.
So far no droppings in the crate. Will report on that when she does, along with pictures. Here’s one. What you see on the picture is sultanas next to her food, and not droppings. Trying to entice her... no success.


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You can try making a mash with her feed, mix in some water, most of them like it that way. A scrambled or chopped up cooked egg will often entice them to eat. Some like canned tuna.
So not celebrating just yet, crossing fingers, she is ok. She sat and slept all day. No food or drink consumed. Hubby comes home, and we give her a thorough examination once more. Her claws show no swelling, no infection. By now (7pm), she hasn’t eaten, drank or pooped at all. After the inspection she seems to be a bit more alert so I took your suggestion and made her a mash. After much prodding, she had a drink of water and pecked at the mash and soon after watery dropping. After that she was pecking at food so hoping she is ok now... thanks again for your suggestions. Much appreciated.

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