PoppyChicken, SCM, LittleLady98, Ec_Prokta, and Chickenrandomness' Chat Thread!!!

Awesome song. XD
None of the songs you posted are on iTunes, except for The World is Mine- supercell feat. Hatsune Miku.

Oooh, 'Freeze' is pretty cool, too. XD Wow, her music is awesome!
Remember, no YT. What are some Touhou songs? Okay, what are some good anime songs in general?
oh ya. i can email you songs then

some of my favorite Touhou remixes are: Flowers are at the End of Illusion, Black Star, Distorted Speedway, Daphne Illusionary Song, Club Ibuki in Break All, Justice Ruler, Leaf, melody Cimino Sorrow, Necro Deer Rise, and Where the Sky

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