Possible house Idea? HELP...bird cage


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Manvel Texas
I have this bird cage that I have not used for years, its shaped like a house in a sense...I had this dumb idea and this is where you all come in....I have a huge kennel run, that I use to have flocks in...and its next to my coops...so all my birds would be together. I know that the ducks will need a MAIN COOP to be enclosed at night for safety or the elements....BUT I also know that I have so much room in there and ony 4 ducklings...and that they will need several places to go sit and hide during the day....I was wonder if I got this cage and put it alittle off the ground with a plank...and if I got PLASTIC GREENERY from the store and just threaded it through the walls...to make it covered up like a shack would this be safe for my babies?

Ill have to take a picture of the cage today to show you all....but would plastic greenery be safe for them???
ok, this is what Ive come up with....Im not sure it will work for my ducklings right now....maybe just during the daytime outside....then in at night, you all tell me please!!! Its right next to the main coop

The area that will be the duck run is alot bigger than the main coop run, what I did is, I found things I could put on the out and inner wall to keep them INSIDE the run...since they are little, 2 1/2wks old

This is standing directly at the gate and thought of putting a pool or pond here where you see it. I also have that tiny little lean to that my dog is on, I use to use it for baby chicks, thought I'd stick it in here

different angle:

and the opposite side, where I had a lean to short of for my roos that were in here, this is where I put that bird cage that I said they can use as small resting place once they get bigger, I just want to find away to cover it up maybe greenery??? something???? Any ideas?? It use to house a Goffin Cockatoo


So this is a very nice size run for just 4 ducks...ducklings now....So is this safe enough for them AT THIS AGE??? There is coverage over the run also for protection....When can they sleep outside??? our temps at night get down to 55 to 65 we are in the Houston Texas area.
Oh if you all havent figured out, Theodore is my chicken dog, and now duck dog...lol, he LOVES to go out and see them!!! goes into the coops with me also...all I have to do is be in the house and say, Momma's gonna go see chickens and theodore, carson, and lil bit all run to the door to go out, Theodore is the only one that stays right there with me!! lol
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lol Theodore, no he is a good boy, BUT NEVER THE LESS I DO WATCH ALL MY DOGS, AND CATS....around my flocks....

yeah I thought it was too soon anyway to have them out because of the temp., and I can only imagine them squeezing threwa link hole...I mainly did that to keep other things from going in....but in some sense to keep them safe when they got older and were ready for outside....BUT I HAD TO ASK.....lol
Okay I have a question, I'm raising Cayuga Ducks and I had one to hatch with a topknot. They are not from a hatchery but Holderreads. I do not have any other ducks with them. Thank you for the help.

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