Possible RIR roo?


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
A friend gave me a few birds to replenish after my loss this fall. I thought "she" was recovering from a molt but I think she's a he. Do you?


Isn't that funny?? I think so. I believe those are saddle feathers too, they're coming in unlike the siblings' backsides that came with this bird. I don't know how old but if it's just now reaching this stage, it must be 5-6 months old due to our seasonal purchases in Alaska.
Looks like a roo to me also. I too see saddle feathers in the #2 pic. As for their age. If they are in a molt they are probably 18 months old or older. Unless they went into an early molt due to severe stress.
I'm so pleased! Thank you! And he hasn't begun crowing so I think it's a new boy...thanks again! It's such a cool surprise!

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