Possums are Chicken Killers

ok i have a question... may seem obvious but here goes. what kills possum that isnt a dog or coyote?
the other night DH found a baby possum about the size of a big rat its head was crushed, then the next night he found another one with its body all mangled. these were in our pole barn.
would a coon do it and why wouldnt it eat them? or was it a cat?
just wondering.
Our vets are telling us that the same is highly suspected of raccoons now, too. I have horses, and I'm the same way about any 'possum (and now raccoon) sighting. ZERO TOLERANCE. There's no cure or vaccine for Equine Protozoal Myelitis.

(The animals are the vector, the disease passes when horses consume droppings that have gotten into their food supply, usually in hay or on pasture.)
Though I also have a low tolerance for possums due to EPM it is now known that up to 70 percent of all horses already carry antibodies indicating they have been exposed to EPM.
No one knows why some horses develope possum desease and most don't. But the truth is most don't. With four horses I keep an eye out all the time for possums, but usually only see them in their natural habitat, the middle of the highway, playing a very flat possum.
I saw three affected within a year of each other at a boarding stable--it's heartbreaking.

Immunity is a weird thing--In spite of being vaccinated against it, our Shetland pony was hit with West Nile Virus TWICE in the same year! She nearly died. That was one reason my husband was opposed to us getting chickens for a while, and we're taking every precaution against mosquitos now.

Meanwhile, my younger horses who had not been vaccinated against WNV didn't get it. They either weren't bitten by the "right" mosquito, or they had a natural resistance. Some equines who get it apparently don't get visibly sick, just like EPM.
Yep hit that 50 mark too, LOL. Never had chickens before - does it count that my grandparents' lived accross from Mr. Mann's egg ranch?

Now that we have the Delightful Dozen, I am facing the possible predator problem. I know we have had rats, mice, possum, and skunk in our yard at various times. Neighbors have reported seeing foxes too. All this, less than 15 minutes from Downtown San Diego.

So we are at 5 weeks of age, locked in our secure coop and racing around in the run during the day and so far, no signs of trouble. Though I do have to keep explaining to my EC's that the birds will be big soon and will put them in their place!

Good luck with your predator problems!
This is scary. I am new to chickens, I built a nice coop and run, but now I am worried about Opossums. My dog has cornered a couple in our yard over the past few years, although it is rare It makes me worry a bit about beefing up the coop. Although it seems like in my neighborhood they would have plenty to eat with the cat and dog food that my neighbors leave out combined with the fruit that goes unharvested at several of my neighbors. Still might be worth getting a trap. I would hate for my kids to wake up to carnage at some point.
I saw a 'possum last night in my backyard. I'm considering going full Bill Murray (AKA Carl) from Caddyshack - painting my face and duct taping a flashlight to a rifle for a little night sentry guard duty tonight.

This sounds a little "out there", but I remember reading in one of my chicken books that vermin avoid male urine (something about the testosterone I think). The book suggested "marking" around the yard in several places.

I am hoping with our electrofence that we are good. Maybe I'll mark up the yard a bit before breaking out weaponry and dispatching anything.

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