****post pics of you old english game bantams & dutch bantams here****

Wow, I'm honored! Thanks! Most of the pictures on BYC were taken with an aiptek action HD GVS, which is actually meant for taking HD films (the beauty of which can only be seen on a plasma screen TV-- which is why my dad got it for me) and not really photos. But the photos are still very beautiful with it, and it was only 200$! However, this camera got dirt in the lense and stopped working properly, so I bought a Pentax K200D, a more "professional" camera that can handle the dust. The newer photos are taken with this.

Here are photos with the Aiptek:


And here are photos with the Pentax:
Here's a better pic of Pipin.


Opps, it's sideways.
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hi wich is male and female plz
The male chickens are known as roosters, and female chickens are called hens. A rooster will possess redder facial skin with enlarged combs and wattles as well as pronounced earlobes, while a hen's will be smaller and less developed than his. The rooster'll also have a decorative assemblage of long, pointed feathers on his neck (the cape/hackles), lower back (the saddle), and the sickled tail feathers, each upper tail covert modified in the shape of a crescent.
Below: Dutch Bantam rooster (not mine)
Dutch Bantam Rooster.jpg

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