Post Pics of your Leghorns


my Bantam Rooster
I am not sure if this girl is a Leghorn, or a leghorn mix, but she lays huge white eggs almost everyday...

Her comb is floppy, and as I said she lays like crazy...that is why I assume leghorn or leghorn mix...the guy we got her from said she was a leghorn, but he also said that my big rooster was a Leghorn, but as soon as I saw the big roo I knew he couldn't possibly be a leghorn. He is the giant white tail behind her..Lol. Anyway there she is.
I am not sure if this girl is a Leghorn, or a leghorn mix, but she lays huge white eggs almost everyday... Her comb is floppy, and as I said she lays like crazy...that is why I assume leghorn or leghorn mix...the guy we got her from said she was a leghorn, but he also said that my big rooster was a Leghorn, but as soon as I saw the big roo I knew he couldn't possibly be a leghorn. He is the giant white tail behind her..Lol. Anyway there she is.
She's more chubbo/rounder than my leghorn girl , but I'm not an expert at all, and it's possible some are thinner than others. My leghorn is thinner, has a big floppy comb, and lays perfect XL eggs, maybe 6 a week.
Well the laying habits are the same, and she is much smaller than my other chickens. I did buy her as an adult though...her and a Buff Orpington, the guy called a Golden Comet, which she so totally isn't, and another white hen that was huge. I don't know what he was feeding them, but we processed the older larger white hen, and there was very little meat...lots and lots of fat though. Lots of, She might be fat...All the chickens we bought from him are looking a lot better now. My big roo has some big nice sickle feathers now that he didn't have when we first got him, and he is an older rooster...a lot older. His feet look like they belong on a dinosaur.
I am not sure if this girl is a Leghorn, or a leghorn mix, but she lays huge white eggs almost everyday...

Her comb is floppy, and as I said she lays like crazy...that is why I assume leghorn or leghorn mix...the guy we got her from said she was a leghorn, but he also said that my big rooster was a Leghorn, but as soon as I saw the big roo I knew he couldn't possibly be a leghorn. He is the giant white tail behind her..Lol. Anyway there she is.
:D She is cute! I love the fluffy bum! XD

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