Post Pics of your Leghorns

(Barred Leghorn)Anyone seen Barred Leghorns or know where they could be located and might be for sale ??
my email(woodside 101 @andy cable .com) close gaps

Thanks ,
this is a picture i took of one of my white leghorn chicks next to a buff silkie chick. i ordered 26 white leghorns, 26 rhode island reds, and 26 silkies of assorted color. all to my amazement where alive and healthy on arrival yesterday. Today they are all still doing well, i have to say i am pleased with Murray McMurrays service.
(Barred Leghorn)Anyone seen Barred Leghorns or know where they could be located and might be for sale ??
my email(woodside 101 @andy cable .com) close gaps

Thanks ,

I am not 100% on the names, but California Whites are Barred (hard to see but barred) and California Grays are barred... not sure if there are others. Hatcheries sell them and I have seen them on the BST (Buy Sell Trade) section on here.
I have a friend working on barred leghorns, I dont know if he will have any for sale anytime soon though.
(Barred Leghorn)Anyone seen Barred Leghorns or know where they could be located and might be for sale ??
my email(woodside 101 @andy cable .com) close gaps

Thanks ,

Those arent Leghorns, they are commercial egg layers, but if you are just looking far a barred white egg layer they will fit the bill.
I am not 100% on the names, but California Whites are Barred (hard to see but barred) and California Grays are barred... not sure if there are others. Hatcheries sell them and I have seen them on the BST (Buy Sell Trade) section on here.
Does the chick in front appear to be a white Leghorn, Cornish cross or other
It is very hard to tell at this point, but when it gets older, you will be able to tell easier because white leghorns are more slender than cornish rocks. I don't know what it is.

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