Post Pics of your Leghorns

What is the S.O.P on them anyways, I do not show nor tend to... All I have ever gotten are hatchery stock, Ive heard pinched tails are a no, and fanned ones are a yes, and the opposite...This is one of mine which I've posted earlier and she is one of my only 2 and I think shes pretty good for "hatchery"

She looks like she has a decent body shape. The SOP is copyrighted so cannot repost exact wording without permission. It does call for a large spread tail to be carried 40 degrees above horizontal with the body rising to the tail (not a sudden sharp break). Also when viewing from behind you should be looking at a teepee shape, not a narrow fan. It also calls for a lopped comb in hens, and a weight of 4.5 lbs.

The below picture IS NOT MINE, but I'm posting it for educational purposes as to what a Leghorn SHOULD look like. Can't remember where I found it but was using it for a private group I'm teaching about poultry.

Thank you!! Mine doesnt have that fan shaped tail,,, Shes about 6 months old, shes worth her weight in eggs though, so far hasnt missed a day in 6 weeks
Its nuts, I have 10 Red stars and 2 leghorns,......guess how many eggs I get a day!!
Probably more than I've seen in awhile LOL. Although today three hens/pullets started laying. The two hens were Brahmas who haven't layed since the end of last year and another white Leghorn. Got 8 eggs today usually I get like 2 or 3 if I'm lucky. Brahmas are lucky they started laying because freezer camp was coming close if they didn't start!
lol ive been getting a dozen a day for over a month,,,,,, my cholesteral must be through the coop lol,
well mine are just pullets, they'll prob. slow down when they're a year, I love em, although I do miss Barred rocks, If I had it my wat id have atleast 12 of atleast 5 diff. breeds lol

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