Post Pics of your Leghorns

It's just cheap felt from a craft store, some cotton thread, a couple/few clasps under the wing area (could have used buttons) and some decorative bamboo cord stitches.

I didn't work from a pattern, if that's what you mean... It's all handcut and hand sewn... I had to do two "fittings" to get it this far.

I'd need to create a pattern from this one to share it.

thanks for that
my girls no doubt will

be wearing these in the future

Health and happiness
While I do not have any roosters, my leghorn is getting picked on during her molt. At least one of the other hens is obsessing on the bare spot on her back to the point where she was a little scabby. So, to nip the blood bath in the bud, I wanted to cover it up with a saddle/apron...

I can. not. stand. the way some of the others look and fit. This design fits her snugly but not tight and there aren't any elastic bands in contact with her sensitive pin feathers or skin.

The color and material choices I made here... are such that it does NOT make a spectacle out of her with gaudy colors or patters so as not to incite a fearful response from the others or to exacerbate the obsessive picking. Because I don't have to worry about roosters, I do not need the heavy duty saddle/apron material, so felt works just fine. It's also cheap... because as a prototype, I don't need to be spending more than 75 cents and a couple of hours on such a project.
While I do not have any roosters, my leghorn is getting picked on during her molt. At least one of the other hens is obsessing on the bare spot on her back to the point where she was a little scabby. So, to nip the blood bath in the bud, I wanted to cover it up with a saddle/apron...

I can. not. stand. the way some of the others look and fit. This design fits her snugly but not tight and there aren't any elastic bands in contact with her sensitive pin feathers or skin.

The color and material choices I made here... are such that it does NOT make a spectacle out of her with gaudy colors or patters so as not to incite a fearful response from the others or to exacerbate the obsessive picking. Because I don't have to worry about roosters, I do not need the heavy duty saddle/apron material, so felt works just fine. It's also cheap... because as a prototype, I don't need to be spending more than 75 cents and a couple of hours on such a project.

If you would sell these please let me know at ([email protected]) i would like to buy a few just in case .
Thanks ,
i had a hen the exact same coloring out of a brown leghorn and white wyandotte rooster. she had a rose comb and was chubbier. They kept the hen pattern but with the silver gene turning the background color to white instead of red, leaving only the red of the breast which is a different gene that the red for the body.
I am glad you share my thoughts. some of these cross bred chickens are my favorites.
Loving the pictures of everyone's hens and roosters

Gifa, I may just have to use your idea for a coat, there. And Zoe's one good-looking girl! I love her little pose in the second picture.

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