Post Pics of your Leghorns

I have light brown leghorns. All 3 of my hens stopped laying completely in November. They had just started laying well again a few weeks ago before the temps dropped so drastically again. I'm only getting 1, or occasionally 2, eggs a day now. When they're laying normally, I usually get 3 a day ... sometimes only 2.
I have 3 hens and a roo and would like to get 1 or 2 more hens. Does anyone know of anyone near central NC that has Leghorns? I'd rather have something different than the light browns I have now, just for variety. Also, how, and what age, is the best to integrate new birds into an established flock? I'm really new to this ...
I am getting the RC Light Brown Leghorn, Golden Pencilled Hamburg, and Dominique. I have never had any of those breeds, but decided that they fit what I want most closely. After I try them this year I will hopefully be able to cut out at least one of those. It would be wonderful if I could have only one standard.

these chickens are just too tempting!

Alaskan, Can I be a bit nosey and ask what breeds you currently have? Your choices closely match mine. My goal is to eventually have a small flock composed entirely of rose and pea comb birds. Already have EE. I'm adding Dominique, RCBL, and Wyandotte this spring. Do you have any Wyandottes? Eventually, I'd like to have a short term rooster to create a barn yard mix from these breeds that should match my climate needs. I had been considering Hamburg as an alternate.
I had a dog massacre last winter, so had to order chicks from a hatchery, late enough in the season that there was no longer much selection, and I was still traumatized by the loss of over 40 chickens.


I got a mix of breeds:
Bantams (for two of my sons, who insisted)
- d'uccle straight run, so I have roosters and pullets
- two buff brahma

- i wanted a good broody, since my best broody was lost, I thought a good chance of a broody was .cochins, so I got three white ones
- one Brahma that the kids insisted on
- two Rhode Island Reds (but hatchery, so production type)
- two golden comet hybrids
- five white leghorns

Then I got from a local breeder some French Black Copper Marans and hatched out some, kept one rooster and three pullets.

Really, the best breed for the cold would be pure EEs or Ameraucanas. but, I really want something older and more historical.

My kids insist that we have "cute fluffy faced bantams" so I want bantam wheaten Ameraucana.

Then, for the standard breeds, I narrowed it down to Leghorn, Dominique and Hamburg.
I think that in my first chicken order I had a few Wyandotte, not sure why I haven't ever been super excited about them. They do look like they are built for the cold.

I really want to lean more towards egg laying than dual purpose. I am all for butchering, but I am slow, and don't like doing it that much. Eggs though, I love eggs!

(Can you tell I love answering questions! :D )

My boys!

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