Post Pics of your Leghorns

I would add leghorns to that mix... some white eggs will brighten up the brown ones that you are already getting..

Leghorn eggs tend to be a good large size (not super large, but a good large)

I have a few questions about leg horns in general. White ones. I am going to the feed store today to pick out a couple more chicks to add to my flock of 10 chicks that I already have. I know they have white leghorns which I am really considering because of their egg production. That is what I'm most interested in for having chickens. I also think that lay really earlier, I read four and a half months, is this true? Also, are their eggs large or are they small? I know the chicken itself is small, and therefore should eat less. So basically I'm just trying to decide if I should get Rhode Island Reds, or chose some leghorns. I already have three Rhode Island Reds, and three E. E., and three sex link. Opinions?
I would add leghorns to that mix... some white eggs will brighten up the brown ones that you are already getting..

Leghorn eggs tend to be a good large size (not super large, but a good large)

Great! Thanks. I was worried about them being small eggs since the bird is smaller. I think you're right that adding some white into the mix will keep things interesting and fun. I also like the idea of being able to tell which hens are laying.
Hatchery white leghorns usually start laying at 18 weeks.  Their eggs are consistently large, but don't expect large when they first start laying.

Thanks! I will be happy with 18 weeks even if they are small to begin with. As long as they eventually get large, like store bought large size.

My largest egg(duck) next to smallest(kelso) Leghorns end up somewhere in the middle :)
I have a few questions about leg horns in general. White ones. I am going to the feed store today to pick out a couple more chicks to add to my flock of 10 chicks that I already have. I know they have white leghorns which I am really considering because of their egg production. That is what I'm most interested in for having chickens. I also think that lay really earlier, I read four and a half months, is this true? Also, are their eggs large or are they small? I know the chicken itself is small, and therefore should eat less. So basically I'm just trying to decide if I should get Rhode Island Reds, or chose some leghorns. I already have three Rhode Island Reds, and three E. E., and three sex link. Opinions?

I have brown leghorns they lay nice eggs eat less than my Sussex and layed poorly in the winter My Sussex layed all winter with good numbers I like both my breeds and both started to lay around 18 weeks the Sussex eggs are just as big as leghorns right now . So I do have a nice flock of egg bearers with the two breeds. I will be using my Sussex to hatch me some eggs again they are dependable broodys
The biggest part of my egg flock are my 17 white leghorn girls. They are about 30 weeks, started at about 20.I got them from MSU.

There pen is them(17) and five polish three juvenile EE and five more we stole from Birdman meat pen. The pen goes threw about five lbs of ground layer mash a day and a couple of lbs of shell corn. Between a Gallon and a gallon and a half of water a day.

I'm starting to get the odd jumbo egg from one of the lh, it is quite the large egg. They do seam a little light sensitive.

We are planning on multiplying them, if we ever find.d a roo.
I have brown leghorns they lay nice eggs eat less than my Sussex and layed poorly in the winter My Sussex layed all winter with good numbers I like both my breeds and both started to lay around 18 weeks the Sussex eggs are just as big as leghorns right now . So I do have a nice flock of egg bearers with the two breeds. I will be using my Sussex to hatch me some eggs again they are dependable broodys
Wow, I didn't know Sussex would lay that soon. I didn't realize until afterwards that most of the chickens I have will take 6 months to start laying. I'm not very patient ;).

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