Post Pics of your Leghorns

WOW! There are BLACK leghorns???

Oh, crud, just what I didn't need to know.
I raise both single comb and rose comb black leghorns, (amongst other colors). There are some quality blacks in the U.S. Just aren't as common as whites. Mine are good quality and from the pictures, I would say Tony's are good quality. No bird is perfect and all are a work in progress.

Rock N' Faverolles :

I raise both single comb and rose comb black leghorns, (amongst other colors). There are some quality blacks in the U.S. Just aren't as common as whites. Mine are good quality and from the pictures, I would say Tony's are good quality. No bird is perfect and all are a work in progress.


Sorry I mis spoke. I meant to say that I wish we had them more easy to get in the US. Do you have any pictures of your birds?​
I will try to get pictures with in the next few days. I have a new camera (actually, I've had it since April) and it took me until today to figure out how to convert the pictures from pjpeg images to jpeg images so I could post on here. All the other pics I've posted on this forum were with my old camera.

I've been following this thread since June when I placed my order for a few chicks from MPC, and now I finally have some pics I can post!


This is Celeste, my exchequer leghorn pullet. Originally I didn't want any leghorns because I had heard that they were flighty and while I don't need cuddly lap birds I have a small back yard and I did want some chickens that were more on the friendly side. Then I ran across a thread on BYC (can't remember which one for sure) about the different leghorn colors and read about the exchequer leghorns. Having never heard of them before, I did a quick search and thought they were so pretty, but I still wasn't sure I wanted a bird as flighty as a leghorn was supposed to be. I just kept coming back to them, and when I saw that MPC had them I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I figured if worst came to worst and I didn't like her I could find her another home easily enough. She's turned out to be one of my favorites and is probably the least flighty bird in the flock.
She comes right up to me when I'm sitting out in the yard with the chickens and doesn't seem phased in the least when picked up and doesn't run off instantly when you put her down.


And here's my favorite picture of her when she was a little fuzz butt.
Oh my goodness, AinaWGSD! I love that picture of the chick! lol sooo adorable!
It makes me wish my exchequers were little chickies again!
Great pics everyone!
I got a leg horn cross, would it count?? here he is with my Ancona roo
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I love that leghorn cross i had a hen last year but she wouldnt go in the coop and got taken by somethin

All I got this year was roos from my leg horn roo and ancona hen. I'll try next year for some pullets.

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