One of my Barred Hens - We got them first part of July, a month ..maybe 6 weeks?
This one is bizzare I think one of the Australorps is in mid-jump here
I can just see that one hen in the back going you aren't taking OUR picture

I wish I could hold them but the one I did get to hold felt very hard not soft like when we first got them, no more babies

we have 2 barred hens and 2 australorps maybe one rooster we can't tell for sure yet but one does have spurs on the
back of the legs like a tiny curved hook the other 3 don't have it.

Here are a few pics of my ladies.

The Coop

Tending the gardens

Looking for bugs in the wildflower garden.

Can you spot the rooster in the pic

Stopping for a berry.

Mama and little bit

Safe under mama

Mama teaching the little ones how to eat scratch

Mama showing the little ones where the feeder is.
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The pics of your flock are beautiful. They must love getting their picture taken.
Thank you so much! I think that I have them trained! :) I got this shot of our Roo, Mike tonight! It is hard to capture all of his colors! He is such a show-off. He sees me with my camera, and he comes running towards me!

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