post your chicken coop pictures here!

I'm 16. I will have about 3 chickens by the time, ill start my coop. Do anyone have any instructions or links to how to build a coop. My chickens live in a coop at my school. But I wanna keep them when school is over. But I found a summer home for them. And when summer starts back, I could place them back in the coop at school. So I have a good year and a half to build one. I have no clue how to make one. Any help?
It might help to give us a general idea about where you live (state, etc.), so we know more about your climate.

Lots of coop pictures on BYC; small, medium and large coops. Many of them have build instructions.

The other options is to have someone build it for you; a handyman or friend. Or, sometimes you can find a used on on Craigslist, or even people who sell coops.

I like this web site for coop plans:
I live in the Sonoran desert or part of it. So I know heat. The little tykes play house would be an easy thing to convert for a sixteen year old. Family memmbers I am sure would help you out.

The thing to remember in the heat is Shade Shade Shade. Keep the water in the shade no matter what kind of water container you use. I have dumped my girls water out when It was hot enough to make coffee in it... No joke.

The next thing is ventilation.... you dont want to seal the coop up tight. It gets cold in the winter but Chickens can handle a surprisinly low temperature as long as they are out of a direct draft and have a place to huddle together off the ground.

materials for the coop can be free as well. As long as you have a way to "get it home" Pallets people use for bonfires you get free in different places. Look on the site for Pallet houses. They can be as elaborate or as simple as you want.

Let us know aobout it all.... I started building stuff when I was about your age.

I'm relatively new to getting chickens. So what do you guys think I should do with my chickens once they get older? Or how do you main to paying for their feed and coop materials?
I'm relatively new to getting chickens. So what do you guys think I should do with my chickens once they get older? Or how do you main to paying for their feed and coop materials?

as far as materials go lots of us are dumpster divers....
Not legal but if you dont make a mess... no fowl... No pun ....

But I suggest you not get frugal on your wire. As far as paying for feed and stuff. There are very few of us who break even on raising chickens.

To be honest the feeding part should have been thought through before You got chickens... There are ways to be frugal and feed your chickens well...

one hen eats about a quarter pound of feed per day..... (give or take) Thats four ounces. a twenty five pound bag would feed that same hen 100 days. knock off a day or two for wastage or mice. Or alot for other critters getting in.

I'm relatively new to getting chickens. So what do you guys think I should do with my chickens once they get older? Or how do you main to paying for their feed and coop materials?

Not really sure what you mean when you say "what do you guys think I should do with my chickens once they get older?" You did pluralize it, so how many are we talking about? Then Ummm... how MUCH older? Keep them? Sell them? Eat them? Let them live out their lives and bury them in the back yard?

The coop is really more or less a one time expense. Once it's built, aside from expanding it to add more chickens
, it should be good to go for many years. It can be built or purchased for very little $$, or it could be a chicken mansion... All in what you choose.

I had/have about 28 hens and when they were laying well (before molt and winter) I was selling eggs to friends and neighbors to help offset the cost of feed. For a while I sold fertile hatching eggs too, at a higher price.
I'm relatively new to getting chickens. So what do you guys think I should do with my chickens once they get older? Or how do you main to paying for their feed and coop materials?
I can only speak for myself, most chickens are productive for producing eggs at their maximum till they are 3 years old, after that your spending more on feed than they are worth and it's time to transition them to the stew pot.
not sure were to post these, i've not 'invented' anything so the inventions thread is out, but i am very proud of these. went for a walk yesterday, found an old crate so decided to make a new feeder as the old one is one of those plastic things and didn't dispense their pellets properly.

i've also made a new dust bath container, to replace the old propagating tray i had been using.
I'm 16. I will have about 3 chickens by the time, ill start my coop. Do anyone have any instructions or links to how to build a coop. My chickens live in a coop at my school. But I wanna keep them when school is over. But I found a summer home for them. And when summer starts back, I could place them back in the coop at school. So I have a good year and a half to build one. I have no clue how to make one. Any help?

first glad to see the younger generation getting in on the fun. There I have a 17 year old neighbor who's dad work's a lot and my husband and I help build all his coops. His dad dosnt let him use a saw. He has bantem chickens and duck's. I would check out how much space u have to work with and how much time u want to spend. I'm sure at school there's a

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