post your chicken coop pictures here!

Welcome to BYC @kylen2007 ! Love the coop, love the run set up. Nice peaceful pictures too :) . Not sure what the roof of the run is right now (snow covered), can't tell if it's more chicken wire or what. Like others have said, you could always cover with a tarp (would make it dark underneath) or maybe a couple of those translucent fiberglass panels to let light through, yet keep snow/water away. Just keep in mind, snow will pile up on it which equals weight, so might need to beef up a support structure to hold that weight. Rant/soap box time, really just some observations: Coyotes and foxes are NOT purely nocturnal. They do hunt at ALL times of the day and night. When hungry, they hunt, and they are both normally hungry... AND smart... VERY smart! IMO/E the biggest killer of chickens is actually dogs... yours, the neighbors, or strays. How many times have you seen dead foxes/coyotes/dogs on the side of the road? Closeness to a road will NOT deter any hungry animal from a fresh chicken breakfast/lunch/dinner. In fact, the way you have your setup situated, you have provided an ideal "back side" approach for them or any other predator. You have the run backed up/right next to a woods/dense underbrush! What more could a predator ask for? They don't even have to come out in the open and expose themselves. A fox could combination dig under that back corner/shred some chicken wire in a matter of minutes, and be inside that run, have a chicken caught, and be gone. Talking less than 5 minutes. In a foxes case, they have been known to keep coming back and taking more, to bury and save for later, so you could lose many birds over a very short span of time - like a few hours. Virtually EVERY chicken owner has NEVER lost a bird when they make it a habit of locking them up every night.... until the first time they do :( Justsayin. I hope what you have works for a very long time! Hope you never lose a bird to a predator. Sorry to say, it's not a realistic hope or expectation... It happens to the best of us, even those of us who try to make their coop/run fort knox. I'd personally be considering/suggest 1/2" HW cloth from ground up 3' or to that horizontal board surround, and 2x4 welded wire fencing aproned out a min 2' from the base, connected to the HW cloth with hog rings. I'd also be strengthening that entrance gate. After what you've already spent for the shed/coop and birds, the cost would really be minimal. As you can see, I also used pavers on top of the apron. Wishing you all the best and success with your chickens! Once again, welcome!
Thank you for your suggestions. We are working on a meatbird coop/run and whats a little extra wire to ensure I don't lose my girls (and rooster). I pick up 14 chicks next wednesday from the hatchery. Chicken math sneaks up on you lol. It really wouldn't take much more effort. Any suggestions on an easy low cost odea for meatbirds? I do them for 3-4 weeks indoors. So they are only outside for 5 weeks. I have an old mini Camper just sitting in the edge of the woods. We were using it as a shed but not anymore. I thought about gutting it and using it as the coop but something about it makes me feel uneasy. Idk it its mold or that it isnt secure enough. Opinion?
Thank you for your suggestions. We are working on a meatbird coop/run and whats a little extra wire to ensure I don't lose my girls (and rooster). I pick up 14 chicks next wednesday from the hatchery. Chicken math sneaks up on you lol. It really wouldn't take much more effort. Any suggestions on an easy low cost odea for meatbirds? I do them for 3-4 weeks indoors. So they are only outside for 5 weeks. I have an old mini Camper just sitting in the edge of the woods. We were using it as a shed but not anymore. I thought about gutting it and using it as the coop but something about it makes me feel uneasy. Idk it its mold or that it isnt secure enough. Opinion?

Are you looking for meat bird coop/run idea??? Take some pvc pipe, zip ties and hardware cloth. Get some inexpensive playoff and build a simple box coop with the pvc run directly on it. For meat birds it doesn't have to be more than 2' high and depending on numbers a 6'x6' or 8'x8' set up should be great. Add some training wheels (yes like from a kiddy bike) and you can wheel it around like a tractor coop. The pipe is light but sturdy.
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Anyone have any experience or knowledge of chickens around a tortoise ? My only concern is if the chickens get curious and peck at the tortoises eyes ??

What type and size of tortoise? I have to tortoises, one Russian and one pancake, they live outdoors in the summer. Their pens are covered in hardware cloth, the chickens can't get in there and they can't get out. The chickens will pack at some of the weeds that grow up through the wire and of course they could end up pooping and it fall through the wire. It is probably not good for the tortoises to eat the chicken poop or the chickens to eat tortoise poop.

My chickens tried to check out my tortoise when I had her out for a little bit, but I didn't let them get close and I sure as heck didn't leave them alone together. Depending on the size of the tortoise the chickens could easily kill it. Because if it is not a box turtle then it is not completely closed into it shell and the chickens can peck at it. And a very large tortoise could actually kill your chickens. So I guess Long story short, keep them separate.
I don't think mixing chickens and tortoise would be a good idea...besides for what reason? Other than curiosity to see what happens....put a mouse in with the birds and see what's not pretty...the mouse is quick...but unless it gets Gone as soon as it's doomed...No tortoises or turtles....small snakes don't have much of a chance birds mob them and turn them into a "Long" lunch...after playing "Keep Away" with it as the "Ball"...chipmunks will brave the run for sunflower seeds....but they better put a bold face on...if the birds sense any weakness...the chippy will end up on the menu. It's the nature of the "Beast". Chickens are opportunist feeder...there aren't many things they won't at least taste....animal, vegetable or mineral...they all get a fair peck...or more. I'm careful when holding my tame shiny eyeballs can and will be investigated, if you aren't careful.

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