post your chicken coop pictures here!

My husband might tell me to hit the road and take my chickens with me. What size is your coop and how many chickens do you have?

First coop is 8'x12' with 15 birds in it. Coop 2 is 10'x16'with 3 LF Cochin, 2 Mottled bantam cochin, 4 Black Australorp pullets, 3 young Guinea, 3 mottled cochin chicks and 9 coturnix quail. I still have room for a few. Have 9 eggs being sat on now to replace older girls.
First coop is 8'x12' with 15 birds in it. Coop 2 is 10'x16'with 3 LF Cochin, 2 Mottled bantam cochin, 4 Black Australorp pullets, 3 young Guinea, 3 mottled cochin chicks and 9 coturnix quail. I still have room for a few. Have 9 eggs being sat on now to replace older girls.

My goodness! I'm getting 15 bantams! That is final! I don't want to be a divorcee with only chickens as my companions!
My goodness! I'm getting 15 bantams! That is final! I don't want to be a divorcee with only chickens as my companions!

I am sorry that your husband isn't as addicted to them as you.I am lucky my hubby is almost as bad as I am with our feathered bunch. We have no grandkids so birds instead.
wowwwww that is awesome I really want that lol my coop is really really small compared to that lol

I sat there figuring this out: There are 8 pens that attach to the central hub. She can run 8 different breeds or breeding groups and has the brooders in the central hub. I am sure at least one of those pens are a grow out pen though.
Here is my coop. My friend built it for me. It is 4 x 8, and I have nine chickens which I know is maximum for the coop. They will free range during the day and go in the coop at night. I still have a couple little things to do. And I have a couple questions.
Is there a enough ventilation?
Do the spaces at the roofline need hardware cloth? If so what would be the easiest way to attach it?

If you have weasels or rats or even snakes you need to use hardware cloth on those. The rats and snakes will mostly take the eggs but they will also help themselves to any chicks you have. Weasels will just go on a killing spree and wipe everything out. Possoms will eat a hen alive. Only juvenile possums could get in that space but I wouldn't leave it open.
I am sorry that your husband isn't as addicted to them as you.I am lucky my hubby is almost as bad as I am with our feathered bunch. We have no grandkids so birds instead.

He's really not that bad! The coop was all his idea and design. He's really a good guy! I don't work outside the home and he does... I do squirrel rescue and have 11 babies in the squirrel nursery right now. He does all our laundry, the squirrel laundry, feeds our wildlife, cooks and does all the grocery shopping. I'm really lucky to have him. The chickens were my idea, but I usually get what I want plus I think they'll be good for our 3 grandbabies!
Anyone have an A Frame coop? I'm going to try and tackle making my own coop myself and an Aframe seems reasonable to tackle on my own, but I'm having a hard time envisioning the dimensions of actual usable space on the inside (and where to put the roosts).
*this will be for a small flock

Mine is sort of a half A-frame. It's 8x12. I got it off of craigslist for $200.
It was used as a garden shed and I converted it to a coop. I have 16 chickens in it and they have plenty of roost space and 5 nesting boxes. I don't have pics of the rest of the inside, but very roomy!


Talk about buffs roosting, i watched one fall off the bottom rung and catch herself by the toes, hanging upside down. Then she flapped and wiggled until she got back upright and went about her business. I was surprised she could hang on to a flat 2x4 that way. So much for chickens not having a grip :)
Our Ameraucana can fly up on top of the rabbit fence wire and hang on with those long toes of hers and balance on the wobbly wire fence!

My ramp is about 3' long and not too steep. Its about 9" wide. In its last location it was somewhat steeper and no cleats and they managed but did slide a bit. I suppose i could add another cleat between each set if i see them struggling. Its only 6" off the ground at he coop.
Watching your chickens use the coop amenities will tell you what they are comfortable with and what is not so you can adjust accordingly. All our coops and chickens are different.

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