post your chicken coop pictures here!

I had to get my three Golden Comets and five Black Stars out of my house! Chick dust everywhere. So I put the Juvie coop together without any real plan. I knew I wanted vinyl flooring to pull out and clean, suspended cooler with waterer nipples, hanging heat lamp and pvc feeder. It came together fairly easily. The girls are four weeks and five weeks old. They will stay in there till they get closer to the same size as my existing flock. Until then, they will have to verbally and visually figure out peaking order. Only thing I need to add are some slats/stairs for them to get in and out. The coop is four foot by five foot. Lastly, a word of warning, if you've never used corrugated sheet metal, the stuff will cut you by just looking at it.
It's good to get the chicks outdoors. I don't put my juveniles out to integrate with the existing flock until about 5 or 6 months old when they are at their adult height and just need to fill up muscle later. When integrating you can use a rabbit fence to separate the juveniles from the adults and let them see each other as they forage before removing the barrier fence after a few days. The juveniles will have their own safety "cliche" group and the adults will have their own. Before you know it they are all intermingling during foraging with new pecking orders to learn. Nice chick brooder. That row of trees/foliage is awfully close to the coop - do you ever have prowling critters in that greenery?
Make that two 15 yr old boys!

No problem! Send them on over... We'll put them to work! Ha ha! Mine are raised and gone, but my boy was a breeze... It was my girl that gave me a run for my money!
No problem! Send them on over... We'll put them to work! Ha ha! Mine are raised and gone, but my boy was a breeze... It was my girl that gave me a run for my money!

I'm actually glad I had boys - I remember what I was like as a teenage girl

My youngest boy has actually been a huge help with the coop and run. He's a hard worker and mostly pleasant. Until the teenage attitude rears its ugly head once in awhile! His brother got to go off to college last year, so 1 down 1 to go! Haha!
My goodness! I'm getting 15 bantams! That is final! I don't want to be a divorcee with only chickens as my companions!

I started with two Bantam Silkies and my DH has totally taken over their care and feeding. Says he can't imagine the backyard without a couple Bantams in it. I have to plan everything around those 2 little hens because he won't give them up. Had to re-home a lot of large fowl that didn't play nice with the Silkies but finally have a couple LFs that are great flockmates for the little hens.



I'm actually glad I had boys - I remember what I was like as a teenage girl

My youngest boy has actually been a huge help with the coop and run. He's a hard worker and mostly pleasant. Until the teenage attitude rears its ugly head once in awhile! His brother got to go off to college last year, so 1 down 1 to go! Haha!

Yes that attitude has a bad habit of showing up. My son went to college and things were a bit easier with my girl there alone and she went off the next year! Was pretty hard on me, but they all fly the coop sometime!!!
I started with two Bantam Silkies and my DH has totally taken over their care and feeding. Says he can't imagine the backyard without a couple Bantams in it. I have to plan everything around those 2 little hens because he won't give them up. Had to re-home a lot of large fowl that didn't play nice with the Silkies but finally have a couple LFs that are great flockmates for the little hens. OUR SILLIEST BANTAM SILKIE WITH DEBRIS IN HER HAIR: THE TWO LITTLE SILKIES AT THE WATERER. ALL 4 GIRLS CHOWING DOWN TREATS.
I'm looking forward to my silkies! Yours are adorable. Can you tell me about your water container there. I know it's a igloo cooler but what is the spout???




I dont know where my post went to so here it is again. Integrated chicks and hens today and they are fine. Just checked on them and the hens are roosting in the coop and the chicks are in a pile in the large brood pen except for the white turkey who was blocked by another chick at the end of the tunnel. She was laying against the front screen as close as she could get to the pile. It may be a while before they share the coop to roost. They come and go all day but not at nite to roost.

Ill have to get an updated pic of the coop and run with new ramp location. Ill add it to this post when i get it. I also added a 2x2 window above the ramp for ventilation.
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I'm looking forward to my silkies! Yours are adorable. Can you tell me about your water container there. I know it's a igloo cooler but what is the spout???
It's called the Brite Tap waterer and comes in a combo package with the red 2-gallon Rubbermaid jug and I got the Brite Tap red Sun Covers also. I got 3 jugs and put them around the yard. Water stays cool on hot days and we add ice cubes to the jugs. Don't have to clean the jugs for several days up to 2 weeks before cleaning. Mark at helped me transition the chickens from using open bowl water to using the nipple valve waterer Brite Tap. I think Cackle Hatchery sells them and a couple other places too. But I went directly to the distributor of the Brite Tap who were helpful with all my questions and immediately backed up their product when one of the Brite Tap wasn't right.

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