post your chicken coop pictures here!

He's really not that bad! The coop was all his idea and design. He's really a good guy! I don't work outside the home and he does... I do squirrel rescue and have 11 babies in the squirrel nursery right now. He does all our laundry, the squirrel laundry, feeds our wildlife, cooks and does all the grocery shopping. I'm really lucky to have him. The chickens were my idea, but I usually get what I want plus I think they'll be good for our 3 grandbabies!

Well I hope you do well with your chicks and squirrels! Busy woman!Sounds like he is a great guy. Mine helps too but I don't trust him to get groceries, good grief he gets nothing but bacon.Bacon flavored too. But yeah let's see what happens in two years with your plans for chickens. Lol! Good luck!
Another run question: Is there a benefit to having it all hardware mesh right from the ground up? Or can you have a wooden fence at the bottom for a couple feet? (planks all touching, no open spaces). I have access to free wood and the hardware mesh is killing my budget, so I'm trying to trim a couple feet from the bottom. I'll do it though if there's a reason though, It just might take me longer to get it all completed.

The only disadvantage to doing a wooden fence at the bottom is the chickens will have no "view". The primary reason for the hardware cloth is to prevent predators from getting in to eat. A wooden fence will do that (for all but the largest most determined) as well. If you decide to go that route, I'd dig down 8-12 inches under the linear fence area and bury the fence boards to prevent (most) diggers from getting under the fence. I don't know where you live, so no idea about moisture... Keep in mind that wood in direct contact with wet will rot much quicker...

If you do the wood fence, you could probably get away with chicken wire or even welded wire fencing above it which should be (substantially) cheaper than hardware cloth. The key area for max protection is the bottom 3 feet of the enclosure. Above that, there aren't many land predators that will be a major issue. The bottom line as always is you do the best you can with the funds you have.

Welcome to BYC and best of luck going forward! Post some pics when you've got it all put together please!
Originally Posted by chickenlover237

I need some ideas on how to design my chicken coop so can you post your coop pictures? if you do I
to you!

Greetings and welcome to BYC! The post that you quoted was the original post in this forum and dates back to 2011
I believe it has been most adequately addressed as there are THOUSANDS of coop pictures and ideas throughout this thread! I hope you find some that will help you! Good luck and glad you joined us!
Well I hope you do well with your chicks and squirrels! Busy woman!Sounds like he is a great guy. Mine helps too but I don't trust him to get groceries, good grief he gets nothing but bacon.Bacon flavored too. But yeah let's see what happens in two years with your plans for chickens. Lol! Good luck!

Thank you!!! I love bacon...

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