post your chicken coop pictures here!

You just gotta love people on Facebook! "Good morning ladies! Hang on a second Mr possum I don't think you lay eggs."

Comment: "Chickens don't need their beds during the day anyway"

My response:

My chickens have roosts to sit on at night. When would you expect them to visit the nesting boxes to lay eggs if not during the day?

If their beds at night are the nesting boxes you're doing something wrong.
right, after much deliberation i have finally made myself a new coop/run. prompted by new chicks and the creation of a meat and an egg flock, both need to be separated.

the requirement was for a coop and run which was easy to take apart and move as my job requires me to move every 1-2 years.

i have a ready supply of pallets so decided to build something for my two leghorns and have them as a separate egg flock.

Put together: all a nice snug fit, has a drawbridge to the coop part which gets raised at night.

it all comes apart and packs flat into a pallet size and about a foot high. all for about £20 for hinges and chain, all the rest i had already and i got the pallets for free.
That looks like a great solution to your portable requirement and for using what you had on hand! The only thing I think might improve it is some 1/2" hardware cloth to replace the chicken wire and an apron running around the edges. But, I don't know what type of predators you might have over there and it looks like you have a nice solid fence around the area. Good job!

It's not just Facebook, it's the population in general that has no clue where their food comes from or how it arrives at the grocery store in a box, bag or plastic wrap...

So true. The FB population just has it on display for all the world to see. :D

This is a good and BLUNT video on food marketing, and the marketers 'secret weapon' that being willful ignorance...

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This is a good and BLUNT video on food marketing, and the marketers 'secret weapon' that being willful ignorance...

That was pretty incredible. I live in the land of Tyson Foods, Georges Foods etc.. Some of the largest poultry/beef/pork producers on the planet are headquartered here. Everywhere you look there are production poultry farms. Trucks loaded with chicks going out and chickens coming back in are also everywhere. Cattle, pigs, same story. Seeing all that in practice makes it a bit easier to understand the food cycle and just exactly what is going on but the average person either has no clue or as the video states, is the "secret weapon" of marketing by their willful ignorance. It's an eye opener.

I have many friends in the poultry, beef and pork industry here. We've had these discussions often. Making food "safe" and making it "profitable" are good things. Safe and profitable often don't equal humane.
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thanks.... technically its a 35 mile drive... but at freeway speeds of 20-30 mph.... cant even take the flipping carpool lane with out a Fast track pass....


The diamond lane is now just for multi occupant vehicles ONLY if they also pay for FasTrak?

Glad to hear your Grandma's stroke was minimal. Every sneeze must be scary with someone who will soon be 100.

I suspect the skirted out apron part could be cheaper welded wire fencing with larger openings than 1/2" hardware cloth. The diggers that want to get in likely couldn't fit through the holes in a skirted 2x4 welded wire fence and the wire gauge is a lot thicker than hardware cloth.

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