post your chicken coop pictures here!

Wow! That's a lot of work! I envy the space you have to work with - paradise for chickens! We've had wood fences in the past (both cedar and redwood) and when they are new they are sturdy but we found after the first decade they start warping or separating from posts - just something to think about before making a fence a permanent part of a coop wall. Good luck with your project! Nice digs for poultry!
It is a huge undertaking. 2 years ago this area was a thriving garden, clear of weeds and debris. We just let it go last year and now are reclaiming it from nature lol. Thanks for the heads up regarding the fence. The fence feels pretty sturdy still. We will be chicken wiring the entire fence side of it(on the off chance that boards fail in a wind storm) and framing it in with the coop/run to solidify it.
It is a huge undertaking. 2 years ago this area was a thriving garden, clear of weeds and debris. We just let it go last year and now are reclaiming it from nature lol. Thanks for the heads up regarding the fence. The fence feels pretty sturdy still. We will be chicken wiring the entire fence side of it(on the off chance that boards fail in a wind storm) and framing it in with the coop/run to solidify it.
That's a good idea! Wood is great when it's new but it gets wonky as weather beats on it - swelling in the rain or shrinking in the sun it eventually warps and can pull away from the support posts.
Hahah thank you for the compliment, the name sort of just randomly popped in my head because it rhymes
and Thank you for asking yeah it's currently summer down here, and it's extremely humid, meaning lots of flies, but we're getting through it!

Ok this is a three day harvest. I have 25 hens and they are not all laying yet (as far as I know) the easter Eggers I have 5 and I think only 1 is laying,

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