post your chicken coop pictures here!

Well, I don't have picts but I did accomplish some things today !!! I got the roofing panels off, cross-members attached...done Then then the roofing panels back in place and attached!..done Next I went to the nesting boxes (or in my case...buckets)..... I have them in place but needed to cover the raw front edge with a piece of inner tube.. done ,,,,, I stopped inbetween to eat a snack for lunch and got something to drink. .. finished the roofing and Next, I need to grill some chicken for supper...done! DH had a meeting so I went back out and put down my floor covering until he got home an I went because it was getting pretty dark!! Almost done!!

Need to finish by putting something on the walls....then to the people door and the pop door...!!
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Thanks for the info. You are probably right about the mulch. I'm pretty new to chickens. We'll see what happens.

When we realized what industrious diggers some breeds are we separated "my" yard garden from "their" foraging yard by rolling out a 100 foot roll of 2-foot high rabbit fencing to separate the areas. The chickens can easily jump or fly over but after gently ushering them out of the garden yard they quickly caught on to staying on "their" side of the little fence. I want to separate the two yards with decorator fence panels but it takes $$$ to do all the things I want LOL.
Thanks to those who took the time to reply to my post. I can definitely do something about the gaps in the door. Not much I think I can do about the ceiling waves, though...hopefully once inside a weasel wouldn't be able to force the eglu door open? Is that wishful thinking?
I have already endured a not insignificant amount of ridicule from my family who think I'm going way overboard to protect the chickens. If only they knew. At some point I guess I will have to say I've done all I can do and hope for the best.
Oddly enough I have yet to see mouse droppings in the pen, but have just found them all on the plastic that I've used to cover the Eglu's run. I also skirted the eglu run with hardware cloth in an effort to deter them (as well as preventing the dreaded raccoon pulling out chickens in pieces scenario). I'm sure they can get in the crack in the door, I just don't think they have tried it yet I guess.
Thanks to those who took the time to reply to my post. I can definitely do something about the gaps in the door. Not much I think I can do about the ceiling waves, though...hopefully once inside a weasel wouldn't be able to force the eglu door open? Is that wishful thinking?
I have already endured a not insignificant amount of ridicule from my family who think I'm going way overboard to protect the chickens. If only they knew. At some point I guess I will have to say I've done all I can do and hope for the best.
Oddly enough I have yet to see mouse droppings in the pen, but have just found them all on the plastic that I've used to cover the Eglu's run. I also skirted the eglu run with hardware cloth in an effort to deter them (as well as preventing the dreaded raccoon pulling out chickens in pieces scenario). I'm sure they can get in the crack in the door, I just don't think they have tried it yet I guess.
I think you can find pre-cut boards that have the same profile as the roof panels, that would block the holes.
Thanks to those who took the time to reply to my post. I can definitely do something about the gaps in the door. Not much I think I can do about the ceiling waves, though...hopefully once inside a weasel wouldn't be able to force the eglu door open? Is that wishful thinking?
I have already endured a not insignificant amount of ridicule from my family who think I'm going way overboard to protect the chickens. If only they knew. At some point I guess I will have to say I've done all I can do and hope for the best.
Oddly enough I have yet to see mouse droppings in the pen, but have just found them all on the plastic that I've used to cover the Eglu's run. I also skirted the eglu run with hardware cloth in an effort to deter them (as well as preventing the dreaded raccoon pulling out chickens in pieces scenario). I'm sure they can get in the crack in the door, I just don't think they have tried it yet I guess.

We had a terrible time the first year we had chickens AND a new raised garden bed. We had to keep setting out night time traps to catch the rodents - mice AND rats. The rodents would chew right through my bird netting over the vegetables and destroyed everything in their trail plus leaving their disgusting droppings every few feet - can't they just poop ONCE instead of leaving a long trail of crap?! The second year I left the patio sensor light on which shines on both the coop AND the raised garden bed but it was annoyingly flashing on and off all through the night when leaves or trees moved in the wind. The third year we left a steady patio light on (instead of the annoying sensor light) and there were no more rodents. 5 of our neighbors and we did a concentrated effort to set traps. clear yard trash, and leave our lights on to deter rodents and this year we've had no incidents of destroyed veggies or signs of droppings. Having a 2 foot tall rabbit fencing around the garden area not only keeps the chickens out in the daytime but has also kept stray night cats from using our garden soil for their litter box.

My daughter had a Raccoon knock over a very large heavy trash can and scattered trash around the whole yard. Having secure property WITH or WITHOUT chickens is an ongoing homeowner process - remember that the next time someone challenges your security measures!
We had a terrible time the first year we had chickens AND a new raised garden bed. We had to keep setting out night time traps to catch the rodents - mice AND rats. The rodents would chew right through my bird netting over the vegetables and destroyed everything in their trail plus leaving their disgusting droppings every few feet - can't they just poop ONCE instead of leaving a long trail of crap?! The second year I left the patio sensor light on which shines on both the coop AND the raised garden bed but it was annoyingly flashing on and off all through the night when leaves or trees moved in the wind. The third year we left a steady patio light on (instead of the annoying sensor light) and there were no more rodents. 5 of our neighbors and we did a concentrated effort to set traps. clear yard trash, and leave our lights on to deter rodents and this year we've had no incidents of destroyed veggies or signs of droppings. Having a 2 foot tall rabbit fencing around the garden area not only keeps the chickens out in the daytime but has also kept stray night cats from using our garden soil for their litter box.

My daughter had a Raccoon knock over a very large heavy trash can and scattered trash around the whole yard. Having secure property WITH or WITHOUT chickens is an ongoing homeowner process - remember that the next time someone challenges your security measures!
When you have a family of 40lb raccoons in your yard...they can cause problems that any dogs would be proud of. There must me a set of 2 latches that have 2 mechanisms on them in order to open. could be as simple as a latch with a caribiner (D ring) passing thru a hole. etc.
We had a terrible time the first year we had chickens AND a new raised garden bed. We had to keep setting out night time traps to catch the rodents - mice AND rats. The rodents would chew right through my bird netting over the vegetables and destroyed everything in their trail plus leaving their disgusting droppings every few feet - can't they just poop ONCE instead of leaving a long trail of crap?!

NO. When your veggies go in one end, something has to come out the other to make room!
Hi all. I have been working on this coop for a couple weekends. This is my first coop and mostly my own design, thanks to the great ideas on this forum. The total area of the is about 6.5'x10' with the coop Bering 6.5x10' with the additional room of the best boxes off the back. Some of the wood is treated but most is not. I wanted any wood that touches the ground to be treated and the entire thing will be painted when finished. Inside the coop are 2 PVC feeders and one bucket waterer. 3 nest boxes and two 4' roost poles. I still have a lot to do but was to excited and had to post pictures of the progress.









Things that still need done:
Metal roof
Finish hardware mesh
Human door
Chicken ramp
Small chicken door
Feeder and waterer in the run
Finish up nest boxes
Please let me know what you think. I'm super excited and my girls will be old enough in a few weeks, hopefully. I have 2 barred Plymouth rocks, 2 EE, 1 RIR, and 1 Welsummer


They are now 2 weeks old feathering out nicely
Thanks again for everyone who makes this sight so great
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We are done with day three of our build and it is going well. My husband took off all week so we could do it instead of paying a contractor. Its been hot and humid the last two days. Thank goodness the majority of the coop is in the shade with periods of dappled sun.

It is a 10x10 with a slant roof. The door and two real windows have been framed out already. When all the siding is up we will be cutting out sections and hinging them for summer breezes. Here are the pics up to now.

I tried to upload a few more pictures showing the progress, but they didn't show up.

My first one was showing that we put a whole underlayment of hardware cloth on the bottoms of the floor so nothing can chew their way through from the ground.

I've learned a lot from reading this forum. I'm so happy I found you guys before I started building. Can't wait to put two latches on human door (with locks) so raccoons can't get in.

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