post your chicken coop pictures here!

Well dang! There goes about 20 hours of work! I have 4 chickens. I am guessing they are about 2 months old right now. I am currently renting and didn't want to get carried away with making a big coop until I buy again. Thanks for the info. I'm going to have to take another look and see what I can do.
Sorry nope.. These birds might be considered 'heavy' but they can flap where ever they seem to want to go..l really funny when one flew up onto my shoulder and pooped down my hair!!

So the little spoiled brats are fooling me, eh?
Well, that does it...tonight I'm going to duct tape my behind to my computer chair, watch them on the webcam and I don't care if it takes 2 hours they are going to get up on that roost bar by themselves!! Fool me once, fool me twice, but don't try to fool me THREE times!
So the little spoiled brats are fooling me, eh?
Well, that does it...tonight I'm going to duct tape my behind to my computer chair, watch them on the webcam and I don't care if it takes 2 hours they are going to get up on that roost bar by themselves!! Fool me once, fool me twice, but don't try to fool me THREE times!
Mine somehow figured it out on their own and are even up on top of the wall. Silly birds, only giving themselves like 2 inches of space to sleep sideways when there is a full roost below them to use.

Here's a roll of }:{) fancy moustache duck tape to keep you in your chair, girl.
Mine somehow figured it out on their own and are even up on top of the wall. Silly birds, only giving themselves like 2 inches of space to sleep sideways when there is a full roost below them to use.

Here's a roll of }:{) fancy moustache duck tape to keep you in your chair, girl.
Well dang! There goes about 20 hours of work! I have 4 chickens. I am guessing they are about 2 months old right now. I am currently renting and didn't want to get carried away with making a big coop until I buy again. Thanks for the info. I'm going to have to take another look and see what I can do.

If your worried about flighty birds... It's really simple to clip ONE wing... Diagram in the clipping wings section.... Other than that... Save cash and get a few tarps
So the little spoiled brats are fooling me, eh? :rant  Well, that does it...tonight I'm going to duct tape my behind to my computer chair, watch them on the webcam and I don't care if it takes 2 hours they are going to get up on that roost bar by themselves!! Fool me once, fool me twice, but don't try to fool me THREE times! :gig

Few questions... How wide is the roost and how high is it?.... Flat side of a 2"x4" works great... Gives them room for their feet in cold weather to cover with their feathers... Keeps FROSTBITE from taking toes... If it's to high they could hurt themselves trying to get to or from it...
I still remember telling dh, then fiance, while walking through our woods in the morning, to watch out for the turkeys coming down off their nighly tree roosts.
He told me turkeys are too heavy to fly....snort. ...just as a huge tom came flapping down from the oak tree. HA!
I still remember telling dh, then fiance, while walking through our woods in the morning, to watch out for the turkeys coming down off their nighly tree roosts.
He told me turkeys are too heavy to fly....snort. ...just as a huge tom came flapping down from the oak tree. HA!

Shoot... As a hunter I know those crazy turkeys fly!!!! I've seen a flock of 7 flying in front of a van after it startled them lol... Funniest thing... My husband wanted to take a few pop shots..l but instead they clipped one with the van lol...
Few questions... How wide is the roost and how high is it?.... Flat side of a 2"x4" works great... Gives them room for their feet in cold weather to cover with their feathers... Keeps FROSTBITE from taking toes... If it's to high they could hurt themselves trying to get to or from it... me, @TJordan roost bar/poop tray is picture perfect. And yes, I am using a 2x4 laying flat, even had my BIL soften the edges by routing slightly and sanding them! Roost bar is removable for cleaning/replacing, sits approx. 14" above the poop tray which is lined in Sweet that stuff! I have a custom-built ladder going up to the tray, slats are no more than 6-8" apart...(my camera is on the fritz or I'd post a pic) but here's the pic that I fashioned mine from:

Please note that I did NOT do what they did with the roosting bar itself. They used what looks like a 2x3 (or 2x2), but mine is a 2 x 4 laying flat. I was really pleased that I, a 70-year-old single gal was able to reproduce that setup and built it myself (pats herself on the back
). What I did was to extend the four corner posts up to roost-bar-height and put a cross piece on each end, then hung one of those metal hanger thingies on each end so I could just slip the 2x4 in it....pretty dang proud of myself!
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